How do you handle a book you don’t like? Do you DNF or do you power through?
Wow, this is such a great question this week! I've been actually thinking of posting something asking all my followers to give their opinions about this. I used to feel like if I didn't finish a book I'd started, I wasn't really giving it a chance. But now, I have so many books I want to read, and that I have to review, that I just don't have the time to finish something that I'm not enjoying. About the only time I'll finish a book I'm really not enjoying is if it is to help choose or nominate a book for an award or something like that. Now, I don't have a policy, which everyone says I need, on what kinds of books I will accept for review. I've had a couple authors lately who have offered to send me their books without me necessarily soliciting them. In one case it was a book I had entered a contest for on Goodreads, and then I was offered a copy by the author. The others have been authors who just sent me messages on Goodreads and asked me to read it. Two of them I've not really enjoyed. One I quit, and emailed the author to tell them I wouldn't be able to finish it or give a good review. I really prefer to post about books that I've enjoyed or can recommend in some way. Is that wrong do you think? I know it is good for people to see why someone might not like a book, as it might help them decide whether to read it. But, I don't feel like spending my time on that, and I don't like to be mean or hurt people's feelings. I hate it when people bash my favorite books, example: Twilight. I always tell people if they don't like something, why waste time thinking or talking about it? I'd rather talk about what I like, and wish people would do that too.
So, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Do you think it is okay if I DNF when I don't enjoy? I usually give it at least 50 pages, if not more.