Sunday, April 30, 2017

Review with Giveaway: Blacksouls (Blackhearts #2) by Nicole Castroman

Book info:
Title:   Blacksouls
Author:   Nicole Castroman
Series:  Blackhearts #2
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Release Date: April 11th, 2017
Genre: Young Adult, Historical Fiction, Romance, Pirates, Adventure
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Nicole Castroman brings the dangerous pirate ports of the Caribbean to life in this vibrant sequel to Blackhearts—the reimagined origin story of history’s most infamous pirate, Blackbeard.

Edward “Teach” Drummond is setting sail to the Caribbean as first mate on the most celebrated merchant ship in the British fleet—until he rebels against his captain. Mutiny is a capital offense and Teach knows it could cost him his life, but he believes it worth the risk in order to save his crew from the attacking Spanish ships.

Sailing on the same blue waters, Anne barely avoids the Spanish attack, making it safely to Nassau. But lawless criminals, corrupt politics, and dangerous intentions fill the crowded streets of this Caribbean port. Soon, Anne discovers that the man entrusted to keep the peace is quite possibly the most treacherous of them all—and he just happens to hold Teach’s fate in his terrifying hands.

Life and death hang in the balance when Teach and Anne are given a dangerous mission. It’s a mission that will test their love, loyalty and devotion, forcing them down a path neither one could have ever imagined.

My rating:  5 stars

I loved this second book in the series just as much as I loved the first one!  And just like the first one, even though there is no sequel listed, there just has to be another one, it was totally left with so much more to happen to finish the story.  So I'll be asking the author about it soon!  I was lucky enough to meet the author this past March at Apollycon, when I was able to tell her just how much I loved her first book!  

This second book in the series got a little bit more into the pirate days of Teach, or as we call him today, Blackbeard.  Not only that, it went a little darker with delving into the horrors of the slave trade, and how anyone who was not considered 100% "white", was treated.  Teach and Anne finally got to find each other again, but not until both had been part of drama, drama that would soon keep them apart once again.  Anne's new friends from her ship ride, Coyle and Cara, take her to their uncle Alistair who owns a bar on the island of Nassau, and he takes them in, even Anne, and lets them work for him.  It is here that Anne sees just how horrible the people on the island treat slaves, seeing them beat and even treated herself like one.  When Teach makes it to the island, he's had a treacherous journey with a very horrible captain, who in the end causes Teach to be accused of mutiny, and he'll end up owing a "favor" to Mayor Webb, in order to get his men and himself back out onto the sea where they want to be.  

As I mentioned, there is so much more of the pirate life, with Teach chasing after a pirate, as well as having to become like a pirate himself in the end to save himself as well as Anne.  We lose some beloved characters, and we learn who can be trusted, and who cannot.  All in all, another great story.  One that makes me want to go out and do all the research like the author did, to know exactly what is truly known about Blackbeard's life.  But, since I know that there HAS to be a third book, I will wait.  

If you've got time, you should go back and check out a fun post I did earlier to promote this book where I came up with the top 10 pirate words or phrases HERE.  And for fun, here is a picture of me with the author at Apollycon.

Nicole was lucky enough to come with her very own best friend...she has a twin sister who can read her mind and finish her sentences for her.

At the age of 13, she went to Europe for the first time and it changed her life. She loves learning about different people, languages and cultures and speaks fluent German. She knows enough Spanish to get herself into trouble and can still read the Cyrillic alphabet from when she studied Russian.

She received her B.A. from Brigham Young University and has lived in Germany, Austria and two different places called Georgia. One is located on the Black Sea. The other is the state of Georgia where she now lives with her handsome husband and two beautiful children who continue to amaze her.

  • 1 Finished Copy of Blacksouls (Blackhearts #2) by Nicole Castroman
  • US Only
  • Follow the tour for more chances to win
  • Runs through May 3rd
  • Please read Rules and Regs in Rafflecopter

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Promo Post and Giveaway: Dangerous Interference by BJ Wane

Book Cover
BJ Wane
Genre: Erotic Romance, Suspense, Spanking, Menage
Publisher: Stormy Night Publications
Publication Date: January 6, 2017
After her sister goes missing, Alena Malloy travels to Blue Springs, Maine, her sister's last known location, to track her down. As she begins her search, however, Alena's efforts quickly bring her into conflict with Randy Janzen, the local sheriff, and Nash Osbourne, a Scotland Yard detective involved in the case due to its similarity with a recent disappearance in the UK.
Randy and Nash make it quite clear to Alena they expect her to avoid interfering with their work, and when she defies them one time too many she earns herself a painful, embarrassing spanking. The humiliating punishment ignites a powerful desire in Alena, and despite her sore backside she finds herself yearning to be mastered more thoroughly.
The two stern, handsome lawmen agree to share Alena, and soon enough she is begging for more. But when Alena's continued meddling in the investigation puts her life in grave danger, will Randy and Nash be able to protect her?
Publisher's Note: Dangerous Interference includes spankings and sexual scenes. If such material offends you, please don't buy this book.
DANGEROUS INTERFERENCE is an awesome erotic suspense that kept me engaged from beginning to end. Well-written with excellent characterization, some of the hottest menage scenes I've ever read interlaced with emotional drama, Ms. Wane has penned yet another keeper. A definite must-read!
- Bethany, Goodreads Reviewer
You'll most definitely want to check this book out! The sex scenes were hot! The suspense was explosive! BJ Wane has arrived!
- KnottyGirlReviews, Goodreads Reviewer

Purchase Links


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Be the lucky winner of a $20 Amazon Gift Card.
Contest runs from April 24 - May 6, 2017.
What do you get when you combine excellent writing with great characters, a suspenseful plot and hot menage erotica? Dangerous Interference!
- Dani, Goodreads Reviewer

About BJ Wane

I live in the Midwest with my husband and our two dogs. I love dogs, enjoy spending time with my daughter, babysitting dogs and kids, reading and working puzzles. We have traveled extensively throughout the states, Canada and just once overseas, but I much prefer being homebody. I worked for a while writing articles for a local magazine but soon found my interest in writing for myself peaking. My first book was strictly spanking erotica, but I slowly evolved to writing erotic romance with an emphasis on spanking. My favorite genre to read is Romantic Suspense.
Official website:
Social media link: Facebook

Tour Schedule

Follow the book tour from April 24 - May 6, 2017.
Get sneak peaks, excerpts, fun facts and other never-before-published info and tidbits on Dangerous Interference.
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In partnership with
Book Unleashed

Reading Addiction Blog Tours 5th Anniversary Giveaway!

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RABT Book Tours is Officially 5 Years Old! 

We are celebrating by offering our Biggest Discount to Authors + a Reader Giveaway!

Book Your Tour by May 6th and Receive 50% Off any Tour by using the Discount: Code RABT50 ! 
Tours can take place anytime between June - September!

Blitzes are 20% Off All Summer Long!
Any Blitz Booked and Taking Place between May-September! Use Code: SummerBlitz

You can find out more about our services, read testimonials, and see current tours at our website

Are you an Author who has a FREE novel this Summer or a novel on Kindle Unlimited? 

We are running a Mega Blast Promotion for Free and KU reads this June! 

This Blitz will take place June 7th and your novel will need to be free at that time. 

Help us celebrate and enter the Giveaway! 

Signed Novels + $50 Amazon Gift Card

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Friday, April 28, 2017

Book Blitz with Giveaway: Shopping for a CEO's Wife (Shopping for a Billionaire #12) by Julia Kent

Book info:
Title:  Shopping for a CEO’s Wife
Author:  Julia Kent
Series:  Shopping for a Billionaire #12
Publication date: April 25th, 2017
Genres: Adult, Romance
Snowbound. Sounds so romantic, with visions of cuddling before a roaring fire, hot chocolate spiked with brandy, and a secret elopement.
Wait. What?
My fiancé’s father won’t stop trying to turn our pending wedding into a three-ring media circus so he can get free publicity for his family’s Fortune 500 company. My mother has decided she’s done with All Things Wedding and asks her teacup Chihuahua for mother-of-the-bride advice.
They’ve all gone certifiably mad.
Then the stress from the wedding puts my mother in the hospital, I scream at my future father-in-law in front of a camera crew and the video goes viral, and the romantic wedding that started with Andrew’s grand Pride and Prejudice proposal looks less like Jane Austen and more like Dostoyevsky.
So what do you do when you’re a fixer and you can’t fix something?
You give up on it.
Not on Andrew, silly.
The wedding.
Shopping for a CEO’s Wife is the 12th book in Julia Kent’s New York Times bestselling Shopping series. As Shannon and Declan enjoy their newlywed bliss, Andrew’s father wants to exploit Amanda and Andrew’s nuptials, much to Amanda’s chagrin. Can she learn to stand up to her future father-in-law and fight for what’s right? But the real question is: will Spritzy the teacup Chihuahua end up being a flower girl?

“You have a remarkable capacity for imagining the strangest worst-case scenarios, Amanda.”

“I have to. I’m in love with you.”


“Did I or did I not walk miles in an 1800s Regency-era costume after you lost your car keys AND a three-carat diamond ring in Walden Pond?”

“Yes, but — ”

“Did you or did you not have to rescue me, half clothed, from a pool at your brother’s wedding?”

“I am sensing a trend.”

“And did you, or did you not, wake up with me in a Vegas hotel room, thinking for a few hours that somehow we’d both married more than one man?”

Now he just sighs.



Author Bio:
New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Julia Kent writes romantic comedy with an edge. From billionaires to BBWs to new adult rock stars, Julia finds a sensual, goofy joy in every contemporary romance she writes. Unlike Shannon from Shopping for a Billionaire, she did not meet her husband after dropping her phone in a men's room toilet (and he isn't a billionaire). She lives in New England with her husband and three sons in a household where the toilet seat is never, ever, down.



Cover Reveal: Karma - A Silke Butters Novel by Cynthia Vespia

Book info:
Title:  Karma
Author:  Cynthia Vespia
Series:  Silke Butters #1
Publication date: June 21st, 2017
Genres: Adult, Fantasy
A mask, a makeup brush, and amazing powers. It’s all in a days work when supermodel turned superhero, Karma, faces off against criminal masterminds, The Sin Squad, who are endowed with their own special powers.
Silke Butters is the face of the fashion world. Her Indian heritage and long, silky black hair have made her an international icon. Silke is also one of the most powerful superheroes in the world…she just doesn’t know it yet.
When her father, Sgt. Duke Butters, dies suddenly, the block he’s had on Silke’s powers breaks causing them to come to the surface out of Silke’s control. Through the help of Joe Riggs, her father’s second in command and Silke’s former crush, she discovers that there are other superhumans like her in the world including Joe himself. As Silke’s powers begin to grow she finds herself caught in the middle of a tug-of-war between both a subdivision of the U.S. government known as Shadow Company, and a ruthless terrorist organization known as The Sin Squad. Both entities want the “enhanced” for their respective teams with Silke as the main prize.
To disguise her famous face, Silke invents an alter ego. Karma is born of necessity to decide the fate of those who are ill-intentioned and empower others with hope. Alongside Joe, and her computer hacker friend Maki, Silke develops a heroes call-to-action to battle the dark force that threatens to annihilate humanity.
KARMA is the first in a series of 5 novels. It will appeal to fans of superheroes like Wonder Woman and Supergirl, as well as novels by Patricia Briggs, Cassandra Clare, and Sherrilyn Kenyon.

Author Bio:
Cynthia Vespia "The Original Cyn" writes speculative fiction that encompasses fantasy, the paranormal, and magic realism. Her characters are rich with detail and fabulously flawed which breathes life into them with a realism readers can identify with. Cynthia's creative worlds are an amalgamation of many different genres which offers a cross-over appeal. Her novels are emotionally engaging, leaving hearts pounding and pages turning. She has been nominated for a "Best in Series" award for her fantasy trilogy Demon Hunter.

She has also turned her creative energy into Original Cyn Creative Services, an award-winning copy, design, and video source for the development of promotional content. With over a decade of experience her background has included feature writing for a variety of publications; web design; national marketing and promotional campaigns via print and copy; script writing; video trailers and montages for authors and entrepreneurs. Her creative work has won awards for "Most Artistic Trailer" Demon Hunter 2: Seek and Destroy; "Best Video" Bloodlines; "Honorable Mention" for Anti-Bullying Campaign, and a nomination for "Best Cover Design" Demon Huntress: Destiny Unleashed.

During her downtime she enjoys getting lost in a good book or movie, and keeping active through martial arts and weight training.

Cynthia is available for freelance work, conventions, and workshops.


Thursday, April 27, 2017

Promo Post with Giveaway: The Shadow Ciper (York #1) by Laura Ruby

Book info:
TitleThe Shadow Cipher  
Author:  Laura Ruby
SeriesYork #1  
Genre:  Middle Grades Science Fiction
Published:  May 16th, 2017

It was 1798 when the Morningstarr twins arrived in New York with a vision for a magnificent city: towering skyscrapers, dazzling machines, and winding train lines, all running on technology no one had ever seen before. Fifty-seven years later, the enigmatic architects disappeared, leaving behind for the people of New York the Old York Cipher—a puzzle laid into the shining city they constructed, at the end of which was promised a treasure beyond all imagining. By the present day, however, the puzzle has never been solved, and the greatest mystery of the modern world is little more than a tourist attraction.

Tess and Theo Biedermann and their friend Jaime Cruz live in a Morningstarr apartment house—until a real estate developer announces that the city has agreed to sell him the five remaining Morningstarr buildings. Their likely destruction means the end of a dream long-held by the people of New York. And if Tess, Theo and Jaime want to save their home, they have to prove that the Old York Cipher is real. Which means they have to solve it.

From National Book Award Finalist Laura Ruby comes a visionary epic set in a New York City at once familiar and wholly unexpected.

About the Author:
Laura Ruby writes fiction for adults, teens and children. She is the author of the newly-released YA novel BONE GAP, as well as the Edgar-nominated children's mystery LILY'S GHOSTS, the ALA Quick Pick for teens GOOD GIRLS (2006), a collection of interconnected short stories about blended families for adults, I'M NOT JULIA ROBERTS (2007), and the forthcoming middle-grade trilogy YORK. She is on the faculty of Hamline University's Masters in Writing for Children Program. She makes her home in the Chicago area.

Photo Credit: Stephen Metro

--Giveaway is open to International. | Must be 13+ to Enter

7 Winners will receive a Set Copy of YORK: THE SHADOW CIPHER by Laura Ruby



Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Review: Missing by Kelley Armstrong

Book info:
Author:  Kelley Armstrong
Genre:  YA Romantic Thriller
Published:  April 18th, 2017
Publisher:  Random House Children's Books
Source:  E-galley from publisher for honest review
My rating:  5 stars


The only thing Winter Crane likes about Reeve’s End is that soon she’ll leave it. Like her best friend did. Like her sister did. Like most of the teens born in town have done. There’s nothing for them there but abandoned mines and empty futures. They’re better off taking a chance elsewhere.

The only thing Winter will miss is the woods. Her only refuge. At least it was. Until the day she found Lennon left for dead, bleeding in a tree.

But now Lennon is gone too. And he has Winter questioning what she once thought was true. What if nobody left at all? What if they’re all missing?

My review:
I rarely read YA books that don't have a paranormal or dystopian type of story-line.  But there are certain authors that I will read almost any book they write, no matter what genre, and Kelley Armstrong is one of those.  This book is a perfect example of why she is on my YA author automatic read list.  The story read just like I was sitting on the edge of my seat watching a suspense movie at the theater.  It had so many twists and turns, and while I had a tiny inkling of who or what might be behind all of these threatening events, Armstrong still made it so that I really was guessing up until that final climactic scene at the end.  All of the characters were so complex, and while you felt like you really got to know them, the whole story was used to unravel just who they really were.  And I like that in a YA book, as that is how it really is for teenagers, not knowing just yet who they are.  

Winter is a character that you root for right away.  She's a bit of an underdog in the small town, she comes from a trailer park, and lives alone with her father, who is verbally and emotionally abusive, if not also physically abusive at times.  Her sister took off after high school, and Winter hasn't heard from her since.  We are given small peeks into what the reasons for her sister leaving have to do with Winter, and the blanks are filled in all the way up until the end, again, keeping you reading and very involved with the story.  Then there is Lennon, the boy she finds in a tree near her cabin in the woods.  He's a charmer, and you can't help but like him.  When he disappears though, it causes Winter even more distress, since his showing up also led her to believe that her best friend was in trouble.  And then in comes Jude, Lennon's slightly older brother.  He's different, not a charmer, but there's still something about him that you can't help but like.  With Jude comes a whole new set of suspects and scenarios for Winter to wade through in order to try to help her best friend, her new friend Lennon, and possibly past teens who disappeared after high school.

There really wasn't anything that I didn't like about this book.  It kept me reading, to the point that after lunch breaks I did not want to stop reading to go back to work.  It kept me guessing, not having completely figured it all out until the big reveal scene at the end, and even that had a twist in it.  Once again Armstrong has blown me away with a great story.  She'll continue to stay high on my list of must-read YA authors. 


Release Day Blitz with Giveaway: No Relationship Required - A Warning Labels Novel by Amelia James

It's all about business,
until temptation raises the stakes
Book Cover
Amelia James
Series: A Warning Labels Novel
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Limitless Publishing
Publication Date: April 25, 2017
No one knows Wyatt Ryder's secret, and no one ever will.
Fear rules his life, as he hides behind a golden boy facade of a high-rise penthouse, a weekend beach house, and all the starlets and models he could ever want or need.
But he's been used one too many times, and now casual sex is the only thing Wyatt wants, no relationship required.
What he didn't count on, however, was that one little complication called "mutual attraction" when an ambitious woman seeks out his help to take her ad agency to new heights.
But that's the thing about sexual tension and undeniable chemistry. It strikes unexpectedly, and it's almost impossible to ignore, even if you know that it will ultimately end in disaster.

Purchase Links

Other Books by the Author

Don't miss the other books by Amelia James.
Book Cover
Series: A Warning Labels Novel
Sometimes old flames burn the hottest
It's been thirteen years since Dash Ryder got his heart sent to an early grave when his high school sweetheart betrayed him in the worst possible way. But there's nothing romantic about their reunion at all. Unfortunately, fate can't be fought, there's no way you can keep away from the heat.
"Amelia James out did herself on this amazing book. 5 stars all the way."
- Candy Renae Box, Amazon Reviewer


Giveaway Graphic
Prizes up for grabs:
$10 Amazon Gift Card
eBook copy of Keep Away From the Heat
Contest runs from April 26 - 30, 2017.

About Amelia James

When I was in the third grade, my teacher wrote "tends to daydream" on my report card. What did she expect from a girl raised on fairy tales? I'm convinced those fanciful stories led to the romance novel addiction I acquired in junior high. My mom caught me reading a particularly hot one and took it away from me. She couldn't stop me from daydreaming though, and after I got married, I wrote some of my steamier daydreams down and sent them to Playgirl magazine. Two of them were published. I kept writing and eventually my short stories became romance novels.

I live in Colorado now, but I'll always be a loyal Wisconsin Cheesehead. When I'm not lusting after my next bad boy hero, I'm looking for inspiration in sci-fi and action movies, football players, morally ambiguous lawyers, muscle cars, and kick-butt chicks. Characters,the ever-present voices in my head, bring my books to life. They're my imaginary friends.
We all need to get away from reality for a little while. I prefer to escape with a sizzly, sexy, forever romance.
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In partnership with
Book Unleashed