Friday, July 29, 2016

Discussion Post: To DNF or Not To DNF, That Is The Question - Or How Do You Decide If You Should Give Up On A Book?

Once again my discussion post has been pushed off until the end of the month.  And it changed topics several times.  But, I've seen a lot of other posts about DNFing, so I thought I would join in since I have some big thoughts about it too, and of course there will be gifs.  Today I've chosen a bunch of gifs from a new favorite show, Brooklyn Nine Nine.  Also, a reminder that the 2016 Discussion Challenge is hosted by Feed Your Fiction Addiction and It Starts at Midnight.  If you want to check out any of my earlier posts you can go to these links:

My title of course refers to Hamlet's "To be, or not to be" famous quote.  I often feel conflicted on whether to give up on a book.  There was a day though, before blogging, before working at a bookstore, when I didn't give up on books.  I either fought my way through to the bitter end, or I put a bookmark in it (yes, sometimes that was a folded page corner) and set the book aside to pick up and finish later.  Once Goodreads came around, I actually left those books on my currently reading shelf.  Until recently.  When I decided that having 20 books on my currently reading shelf was just silly.  So I moved those books to another shelf, the DNF one, or else I have another "series I may not finish" shelf on Goodreads.  My Goodreads DNF shelf has 68 books on it currently.

While it has gotten easier to decide to give up on a book due to all the other books I have to read just waiting on me, it still is never quite that easy.  When I have heard such great things about a book.  Or when I requested it on Netgalley or Edelweiss.  But I've also learned that I can still give those sites a review, and explain to them why I didn't finish it.  However, one thing is that I don't feel like I can give a review to other people if I haven't given it a fair chance.

The reason I don't do reviews on my DNF books is because I know that there are probably many other people who will enjoy the book.  But now, I begin to wonder if I should give more of a reason on Goodreads at least, to others looking to figure out whether they will like a book or  not.  So I guess one question I would like anyone reading this to discuss in the comments is about reviewing DNF books.  Do you DNF?  If you do, do you review them?  Whether you DNF or not, do you want to read a review of why someone did DNF?


The other question I have for discussion, if you do DNF, when do you decide to do it?  I've heard many different things.  Some do after 10%, others take their age subtracted from 100 and read that many pages first.  So far I haven't necessarily followed anything specific.  I do try to do at least 10%, but I go until I just can't keep reading, can't make myself read anymore without having to actually work to concentrate.

Please, chime in below and share your thoughts on this whole DNF thing with me!  I am always looking for any tips that make things easier, or make me feel better about doing something the way I'm already doing it.  And because I couldn't go without at least one Supernatural gif, here you go: