Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday: Worlds of Ink and Shadow: A Novel of the Brontes by Lena Coakley

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we spotlight upcoming releases that we're eagerly awaiting.  For a change this week, I'm featuring a book that is not part of a series.  As far as I know, it will be a standalone.  I always love when historical fiction takes real people from history, and using what knowledge we have about them, weaves a story that brings them to life.  Here is the blurb from Goodreads:

Charlotte, Branwell, Emily, and Anne. The Brontë siblings have always been inseparable. After all, nothing can bond four siblings quite like life in an isolated parsonage out on the moors. Their vivid imaginations lend them escape from their strict upbringing, actually transporting them into their created worlds: the glittering Verdopolis and the romantic and melancholy Gondal. But at what price? As Branwell begins to slip into madness and the sisters feel their real lives slipping away, they must weigh the cost of their powerful imaginations, even as their characters—the brooding Rogue and dashing Duke of Zamorna—refuse to let them go.

Gorgeously written and based on the Brontës’ juvenilia, Worlds of Ink & Shadow brings to life one of history’s most celebrated literary families.

And as a lover of books and authors, what better type of people to read a historical fiction novel about than this group of siblings/authors?  What do you think? Does it sound like something you'd want to read?

What book are you eagerly awaiting this week? 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Interview (and Giveaway) with Lizzy Ford, author of Omega

Book Details:

Omega by Lizzy Ford
(Omega #1)
Publication date: October 25th 2015
Genres: Dystopia, Young Adult

In a modern world ruled by territorial Greek gods, the human race has been oppressed, exploited and now, nearly destroyed by the constant infighting of gods.

However, a human girl with the power of a goddess is coming of age. Alessandra is the Oracle of Delphi – the last prophesized – and bears the mark of the double omega. Soon after she turns eighteen, Alessandra is told her destiny: to step between the warring gods and the human race and save her world from certain ruin.

For the gods, her appearance marks the beginning of the end – their end. They and the Triumvirate – leaders of the human elite – who serve them will stop at nothing to preserve their power.

Alessandra emerges from the forest where she spent her life hidden from gods and men and immediately plummets into a race against time, gods, and herself to discover who and what she is in a world where everyone she meets has a hidden agenda, and those pulling the strings remain in the shadows.

Before she can determine exactly what kind of savior her world needs, she must first master her power by completing three trials devised by the Triumvirate to enslave her.

One lone girl stands between warring gods and the people she’s destined to protect, but it’s the battle to understand who she is that she must win first.


Barnes and Noble:

Author Interview:
1.  What does your writing process look like?  Do you know the whole story when you start?  Or do you just start writing and go with it (seat of the pants writing)?  If you plan it out, how do you do that?  Outline, note cards, post-it notes, etc.?
 I always explain it like this. I have three to five televisions playing in my head at any one time. Each one has a story that’s being worked out by the Muses. When I’m ready to write, I sit down and pull up the television I want to work on and just start writing. The stories are unplanned in the sense of an outline and yet, they’re constantly being updated mentally. I call it intuitive writing - I don’t consciously know where the story is going, but my subconscious does, and I trust it to guide me! 

2.  How do you come up with your ideas for your stories?
 I don’t really know. I’ve been told I channel them. They basically just come to me - dozens of them. I don’t have time to capture or write or even jot down all of them! 

3.  How long have you been writing?
 Since I was about nine! I finished my first novel when I was twelve, and I think it’s buried somewhere in my mother’s basement. I started self publishing in January 2011.

4.  What tips do you have for aspiring writers?
 Write no matter how you feel, persevere when you face obstacles, and surround yourself with positive people who support your dreams and believe in you. 

5. How important are names in your books?  Do you choose the names based on liking the way it sounds, or the meaning?  Do you have any name choosing resources you recommend?
 I do both, depending on the book and series. Some names I make up, because they sound pretty or exotic, and some names I research. For example, all the names in Omega, I researched. Each has a special meaning or came from a certain era of Greek history that’s reflected in their personality. I don’t really have resources - you really can find anything by just Googling and digging around!

Some fun questions:

Book: “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen
Author: Jane Austen
Genre: I read non-fiction! I don’t read fiction, except on very rare occasional I’ll read epic fantasy.
Movies: anything with action, beefcakes and explosions
TV shows: Love Doctor Who! Any series that’s sci-fi, dystopian or fantasy based!
Music: Various. I love classical and can listen to just about anything but country.
Food/writing snack:  I’m a total foodie. I love anything from a bakery and/or anything that’s homemade and fresh. Love experimenting with other countries’ food, too.
Social Media Site: I’m not a huge social media fan. I use it to reach my readers, but I don’t have a preference for any of the sites. I’m an extreme introvert. If I never spoke to anyone, I’d be happy but it’s not realistic when I’m in a business that requires me to be more social than I usually would be!

About Lizzy

Lizzy Ford is the author of over forty titles written for young adult, new adult and adult romance readers, to include the internationally bestselling “Rhyn Trilogy,” “Witchling Series,” “Zoey Rogue” and the “War of Gods” series. Lizzy’s books span multiple subgenres of romance, to include contemporary, paranormal and dystopian, among others. She began her self-publishing career in January 2011 and clocks between 80,000-120,000 words a month on projects destined to be published as well as pet projects she writes and squirrels away in secret folders!

In 2014, Lizzy launched an erotica line under the name SE Reign and hopes to branch into the mystery genre in a year or two. Lizzy has focused on keeping her readers happy by producing brilliant, gritty romances that remind people why true love is a trial worth enduring. Her books have been featured in Publishers Weekly, Romantic Times, USA Today, Huffington Post, Kirkus Reviews, and many other places. She lives in southern Arizona with her husband, sister, three dogs and a cat.

Lizzy’s books can be found on every major ereader library, to include: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iBooks, Kobo, Sony and Smashwords.

Lizzy’s links online

Website – official:
Amazon UK:
Barnes and Noble:

Tour-wide giveaway (INTL) - ends Oct 15th
  • Once prize(s) are confirmed with publisher, it will be listed on the Rafflecopter!

Check out the rest of the tour schedule HERE

Monday, September 28, 2015

Blog Tour - Guest Post and Giveaway: City of Roses by Donovan Pruitt

Book and Author Details:
City of Roses by Donovan Pruitt
Publication date: May 5th 2015
Genres: Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, Young Adult

A young man ventures to his lost love’s childhood home in the abandoned city of Pripyat, Ukraine. When a sudden accident puts him off-course, he awakes to discover a lively and vibrant culture living in a nearby village and a woman who reignites his heart. But something sinister lurks in the shadows, and he must face the terror and help defend the village from evil before it is lost forever. Go beyond the tragedy of Chernobyl and discover the magic in the City of Roses.



Donovan Pruitt has a passion for science fiction and fantasy, especially those titles that trend toward young and new adult storytelling. City of Roses was his first standalone book as an indie author, though he has also written for video games and was previously published as a co-author in the fantasy genre. You can visit him online at or join the discussion on Twitter @KalaEmpire.

My Amazon book reviews are available here:


Author links:

Guest Post:
How important do you think it is to have some reality and accurateness in the actual science in science fiction stories? 

How could we have science fiction without the science? I often wonder that as I’m ignoring real science completely. Make no mistake, I think it can be very important to be scientifically accurate and realistic; however, I think it’s more important to be relatable and interesting as a storyteller. I am a fan of science. One of my best friends holds a PhD in astrophysics, and he has instructed me to tell everyone that science is awesome. As soon as he looks away, though, we’re going to cheat and do whatever we want.

For me, real science is a guideline. Science fiction is often based on the possibility that we could achieve these interesting technological marvels and visit these strange, wonderful places, near and far. In my latest book, City of Roses, real science might even explain how my main character, Alex, ends up in this whimsical fantasy world that seems to exist right alongside our reality in Pripyat, Ukraine. Maybe it’s a pocket reality? Maybe some kind of fissure in space/time allowed access to a parallel universe? Maybe, but I honestly have no idea because it wasn’t important for my story as to how Alex arrived in that place. It was more important to work through the mystery of where he was, not how he got there, and what he would do with his new life in this new place.

At the end of the day, I would rather read and write enjoyable stories that open up my imagination to the possibilities of futuristic science fiction, magical fantasy worlds, and alternate histories on our own planet. Real science helps me open the door to the idea of space travel, but when I write a science fiction novel I want my ships to go faster than light and tunnel through artificial wormholes. I want to rewrite history so that alchemy is a magical process of awesome power, where people don’t use wands—they use pocket watches. Oh, and airships. They’ll float with a magic crystal, because science. As long as it’s a fun, enjoyable story that doesn’t break science too badly (like dividing by zero), I think we can all walk away happy.

Tour-wide giveaway (INTL)
  • $50 Amazon Gift Card


Sunday, September 27, 2015

I'm in New Orleans, so........

Yeah, so I didn't have anything I needed to post before I left, although I do have one review to do, it'll just have to wait till I get back.  But since I wanted to still blog each day this weekend, I'm doing a fun post with gifs and lists of stuff to do with New Orleans (and maybe a few Supernatural gifs for fun).  My usual Sunday post will be back next week! The pictures above is the sign outside my friend's bar that I will probably be visiting at least once while I'm there this weekend!

My favorite TV shows set in New Orleans
  • American Horror Story:  Coven
  • True Blood - actually in Louisiana, but there were parts that took place in New Orleans!
  • The Real World:  New Orleans

My favorite movies set in New Orleans:
  • Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter
  • Dracula 2000
  • Interview with the Vampire
 My favorite books set in New Orleans:
  • Wicked by Jennifer L. Armentrout
  • Ruined and Unbroken by Paula Morris
  • Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris
  • Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice
  • The Iron King by Julie Kagawa
So, I'm so excited to be here, and I'm sure I'll have lots to tell you about next Sunday when I do a wrap-up post for the past two weeks.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Banned Books Week Giveaway Hop 2015

Thanks to Mary at Bookhounds and Kathy at I Am a Reader for hosting this blog hop.  So as a librarian, my job isn't to censor what my students read.  Yes I purchase things that I think are appropriate for my students, but other than that, they are allowed to check out anything that we have.  I believe it is a parent's job to talk to their kids about things, and hope that their children make good decisions.  I have picked 9 books from the lists on this ALA page for you to pick from (costs up to $11).  My giveaway is International as long as The Book Depository delivers to your country.  Here are the books you can choose from:

Or any of the 7 books in the series

Or any of the 5 books in the series

Or any of the 3 books in the series

Or any of the 3 books in the series

Or Animal Farm by the same author

So just fill in the Rafflecopter, and then hop along to the other links below that!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Review: The White Rose (The Lone City #2) by Amy Ewing (September Sequel Challenge #3)

I actually got an ARC of this book through Books for Trade on Twitter, but originally I got an e-galley from HarperTeen and Edelweiss.  I really wanted a physical ARC though, to match the physical ARC I have of the first book, The Jewel, which I got at BEA in 2014.  So thanks to all of those I've listed, I finally got around to reading it, and enjoyed it!  It was still good, although not as great as the first one.  But it was good enough, and I still can't wait to read the 3rd one.  If you haven't read the first one, there will be spoilers here unfortunately.  In that case, click the link above taking you to my review of the first book, and stop reading this review NOW.  :-)

Where we left off, the Duchess had just caught Violet in bed with Ash, the male companion.  And what is in store for Violet and Ash is something she just can't stand to happen.  So she must run away, but instead of taking the potion that will make her appear dead, she gives it to her friend Raven, who seems to be in an even worse situation.  The two of them end up in the morgue after she's helped Ash escape with the help of Garnet, the Duchesses son, and even Garnet's sister, Carnelian.  But Carnelian loves Ash, even though she hates Violet, so she helps them because of that.  On the run they find out that the Duchess accused Ash of rape and so he is wanted everywhere for that.  Supposedly she still has Violet sequestered away and has signed a contract for her daughter, not yet born, to the Exetor's son.  Something that has never been done.  Violet had been rescued by the Black Key group, but her trip out of the city to the Farm is filled with dangers and chances of being caught.  Once Lucien finally helps them get to the Farm, she will meet Sil.  Sil was a surrogate at one time, and she escaped and is now living and helping try to take back the Island they live on.  She will help Violet figure out her powers, and how she can use them to help the cause. 

Both Violet and Ash's families will come into play in parts of this story, in very sad ways. We learn more about Ash's life as a companion, as well as what led up to the way the city is these days.  There's a lot of information in this story, although I still feel there is more to know.  We also get to meet some of the surrogates that we'd only heard mentioned at the Auction in the first book. 

I really liked that Ash was a pretty realistic character, I felt.  There was definitely some interesting new aspects to the auguries that we learned about, that caused the sicknesses back in The Jewel, that made the surrogates sick.  I'm also very intrigued about the history of the island and the people who were there before.  This definitely one you must read to go on in the story and find out what will happen in this world.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Cover Characteristic: Water

The Cover Characteristic meme is hosted at  Sugar and Snark.   Here are the guidelines:

Each week we will post a characteristic and choose 5 of our favorite covers with that characteristic. If you want to join in and share your 5 favorite covers with the weeks particular characteristic, then just make a post, grab the meme picture (or make your own) and leave your URL in Linky (so we can visit).
You don’t even need to participate, just stopping by and saying hi would be great! Don’t forget to stop by the other participants!

I had so many to choose from for this week, so I couldn't narrow it down to just 5.  In some cases, I picked whole series together as one choice.  So I think I'll have a list of 10, scratch that, 11.










The whole series of Mara Dyer are good, but I've only read the first one, so that's all I'll include here.

1.  And my favorite, the cover alone made me want to buy it, of course then I read it and loved it, like I seem to do with anything by Jennifer L. Armentrout:

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday: Will to Survive (The Rule of Three #3) by Eric Walters

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we spotlight upcoming releases that we're eagerly awaiting.  My choice this week is the 3rd and final book in a very interesting trilogy.  The first book, The Rule of Three, didn't go quite where I thought it would, and so I was interested enough to read on to the 2nd book, Fight for Power.  And now I just have to know how it will all finish.  Here is the blurb for book three from Goodreads:

As this apocalyptic trilogy hurtles to a chilling conclusion, Adam is pushed to the edge of his endurance and sanity.

Adam has killed again. It had to be done, part of him knows that, but murder changes a person. It can certainly change a teenager who's already grown up too quickly, too harshly, in the wake of the catastrophic global blackout five months ago. In the name of safety and survival, Adam and his neighbors have turned their middle American suburban neighborhood into a fortress, defending against countless enemies. But what's lurking in the dark is a greater danger than ever before: somebody who wants to destroy the neighborhood and Adam at any cost. Soon, the hunted will have to become the hunter . . . and Adam hates himself for what he will have to do. Because sometimes even the dark is not cover enough for things that would never happen in the light.

A great post-apocalyptic type story, about what would we do, especially if you were a high school boy, and were able to just fortify your neighborhood and dig in.  Have you read this series yet?  Do you want to?  What book are you eagerly awaiting this week?

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Audio Book Review: Passion (Fallen #3) by Lauren Kate (September Sequel Challenge #2)

Once again I downloaded the audio book from the library to go on with this story. And I really enjoyed a lot about this next part in the series.  It was filled with so many different periods in history, which was a lot of fun.  We didn't get to see all of the characters that much in this book, other than of course Luce and Daniel, although the others did show up here and there for small parts of the story.  If you haven't read this far in the series yet, you can stop here and go back and read my review of the first book, Fallen, so that I don't give you any spoilers. 

In this story we pick up right where we left off from book 2, Torment, Luce has taken off inside of an Announcer, and the others are following her, trying to find her.  Especially Daniel.  Luce is trying to understand just why do they always fall in love.  It leads to death for her every time, and horrible heartbreak for Daniel every time.  And she doesn't know just why they fell in love, or if they are just compelled to because of the curse.  And so she is going back to her past lives to try to figure out why they love each other.  Along the way she will pick up someone named Bill, a gargoyle, who is there to help her figure out what she wants to see.  She will find out in some lives she is a much different girl than she is now.  She will see Daniel in all of his different human bodies as well.  We get to see how she dies, and Luce gets to actually be inside the bodies to experience the death in some of the situations.  I loved all the reincarnations, although so many were in Europe and places other than America, even before it got into the more ancient history.  But there was World War I, and World War II.  Russia, Shakespeare's time, ancient Mayans, and the one I was beginning to wonder if they'd have, ancient Egypt.

The whole time Daniel is following her, always showing up just right after she's left it seems.  And he is just hoping that she won't do something that could mess up all of history, including their love.  In the end, they will find each other, but it will be after something horrible is about to be set in motion.  You see the devil himself will show up, and he will have something to say about this whole thing with Luce and Daniel, and his own wants.  And we'll be left waiting to find out how the gang will fight him, and whether Luce and Daniel's love will really survive, and if they can finally break the curse.

I liked it better than the first two, although there were still moments I wanted to smack Luce, and moments that Daniel was still kind of a controlling jerk.  But again, I'm so ready to read the next book and find out what happens.  Or should I say listen to the next book.  I also heard there is going to be a 5th book, told from Cam's point of view.  And does anyone know when the movie comes out?  I thought it was this fall, but I haven't seen any previews for it.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Sign Up Post for Blog Ahead 2015!!

blog ahead 2015

I saw this challenge last year, and thought how helpful it would have been to do this in order to get ready for NaNoWriMo when I would be busy writing my novel instead of spending as much time blogging. So I decided to join in!  And here is all the information!

The Goal

Build your total number of scheduled posts by 31!
On October 1st take your number of scheduled posts and add 31.
Whatever that number is...that's your goal for the month.
You'll end the day on Oct 31st with that many scheduled posts. Woots!
Example- If you start October with 5 scheduled posts 
you end Oct with 36 scheduled posts.

Who Can Join

Any blogger or author can join. 
Brand new, been around for years...
Blogger, Wordpress or other platform...
Any heat level, genre or theme, etc.
If you're welcome to join!

Types of Posts that Count?

Any posts that you finish in October and will publish November 1st or later...count! 
Meme, review, guest post, interview, discussion.
Cooking posts, pet posts, photo posts, etc. 
Posts do NOT have to be book related.

What Should You Do Next?

1] Add your blog to the linky list HERE
2] Create a blog post to keep track of your goals!
Don't forget to link back to the original post so others can join in!
This can be done any time from now until Nov 1
3]Spread the Word--invite your friends/fellow bloggers!
4] Grab the button!

Join the FB group!

Need to squee about your progress or get a little moral support? 
We're here! We'll have tips and suggestions too!

We'll be using the hashtag #BlogAhead2015 for anyone wanting to tweet and such :)

This challenge got me posting ahead of time last year, all though not anywhere near this extent, and I didn't actually participate.  But I'm going to do it!  How about you? Want to join in?  If you do go join in, I'd love if you came back and left me a link to your sign-up post in the comments below, so we can keep track of how each of us is doing and give lots of encouragement throughout the month!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Sunday Post #36 and Stacking the Shelves September 20th, 2015

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted  @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news ~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme.

Last week on the blog:
Another week of only two reviews.  But I got as much read as I wanted, just ended up getting them all finished about the same time and not having time to do all the reviews at once.  I decided to go ahead and join into the Series Ender Challenge since I had already done a few of these this year, and hoped to do a few more.  For the whole Fit Blogger, I didn't do any extra walking this week.  Although I did make several days of at least 10,000 steps.  My sequels challenge isn't going that great.  Although I will have two to review this next week, and I did start another sequel today.  I did get a little bit of writing done on a prompt to help me get started for NaNoWriMo this year, so that is good.  Was supposed to have another writing date today, but cancelled because of how busy I've been.

This week on the blog:
  • Reviews:  Passion (Fallen #3) by Lauren Kate (audio book), The White Rose (The Lone City #2) by Amy Ewing
  • Blog Ahead 2015 Sign-up Post
  • Waiting on Wednesday
  • Possible Cover Characteristic
  • Possible reviews:  The Storm (The Rain #2) by Virginia Bergin
That's probably all.  I am going to New Orleans for the weekend.  I leave on Friday, and don't get back till Monday, so there probably won't be a Sunday post next week.  I'll probably try to figure out some other kind of meme to add in to make sure I still get something blogged every day though.  I'm very excited for my trip!  I've never been to New Orleans before!  It's going to be kind of a sorority reunion.  But we are doing touristy stuff, a swamp tour, a plantation tour, and maybe a haunted tour.  We're staying in a friend's condo above a bar that he owns.  So the only money I'll really have to spend is on food and entertainment.  I've never been much of a drinker, but will for sure have to go to my friend's bar called Spirits on Bourbon and try their fancy drink and get its fancy mug that it comes in!  Not sure how much walking I'll get done this week other than when I'm in New Orleans.  

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.  It is a way for us to share the new books we have collected.  I was good and didn't buy any books for myself this week, although I did have to buy some for last month's giveaways!   But I did have a pretty good haul this week other than that.  

Physical books:

I won the first two from the publisher.  I've wanted to read Jackaby  for awhile, so now to get it and an ARC of its sequel, I'm so excited!  So thanks to Algonquin Young Readers.  The Curse of Jacob Tracy is an ARC by a friend of one of the teachers at my school where I am a librarian.  The author is going to come talk to our students in December.  And when I read the synopsis of the book on Goodreads, I asked if I could read it as well!  The last book is another successful trade on Twitter!


 All of these lovelies were on Edelweiss this past week. And I know I said I was being careful about how many I took, but as I looked at the weeks they were published, I either had only one other egalley for that week, or none.  So I had to grab these.  I mean don't you just love the cover of The Greatest Zombie Movie Ever?  And while I wasn't a fan of Michael Grant's latest Messenger of Fear series, I loved his Gone series, and this is a historical fiction, so it sounds really good.  I do still need to read book 3 and 4 I think in the Unwind series as well.  

Free e-books:

All free from Amazon this week.  

So I've got a lot of new egalleys, although they're all pretty much not out till 2016, so I've got a little while to read them.  What books did you add to your shelves this past week?