Starting with the new challenge I'm hosting this year. Unfortunately I didn't really do much towards what I'd planned. If I change the guidelines like I've said I would, for people to even just try new to them authors, then I can say I got more done this month. Really, there is only one that fits the original series guidelines HERE.
- Taking Chances by Molly McAdams
- If I count a new author towards this, then I have finally read a book by Wendy Higgins, and love it, The Great Hunt.
I only got one book again this month, but that's okay since my goal is 11-20, as you can see on my sign up post HERE. But the one that I did do was on my original sign up list. I just finished it today, won't have the review up for a week or so though, so I'll link it to the Goodreads info.
- Broken Trust by Michelle Sodaro
This month I gave feedback on five books, bringing my Feedback ratio up to 70%. My goal was to try to get back up the 80% ratio, or at least get a total of 10 done for the year, as I listed on the original post HERE. So I am at least at 7 of the 10. Three of the books I actually read, and the other two are ones that I couldn't finish, so I went ahead and left that as the feedback. Here are the 5 books:
- Firstlife by Gena Showalter
- Stone Field by Christy Lenzi
- Tell the Wind and Fire by Sarah Rees Brennan
- Once Upon a Dream by Liz Braswell
- Hot Pterodactyl Boyfriend by Alan Cumyn
Well, let's go through what I did this month, you can check out the original post HERE.
- I'm still doing really well with not downloading tons of e-galleys. It helps to just write them down in my calendar, and then I don't go to download them until it is closer to the time of publishing/when I'll be reading them. I'm also trying to make sure I read the Netgalley ones first if I can, so I can work on the challenge I talked about above.
- I still ended up posting almost every day again. But I am trying hard to not sign up for tours unless they are books I know I'm going to read and really want to promote. However I did skip one Sunday post, because I had several other things I wanted to post instead.
- Still doing my best to comment on other blogs.
- Again, using this post monthly to keep up with my challenges.
- I've had two reviews every week this month, although only one so far this week. I'm planning another tomorrow!
- Personal goals: Still no money saved, but I have finally decided on what I'm going to do with my air conditioner. I met my going to the gym and walking once a week goal, and got my reward of a tattoo, which you can see a picture of HERE. I set a new goal of going to the gym and walking twice a week until the end of May, when summer break starts from school. I think my reward for that will be buying a new pair of Nike tennis shoes for walking at the Nike Outlet store when my family goes to Branson over Memorial Day weekend for our annual trip.
I didn't really get anything for this goal this past month. Unless the Maybe series by Colleen Hoover isn't going to have any more than the two books it already has. And I kind of feel like it is, since there haven't been any more since 2014.
For April this year, I'm not participating in the A to Z Challenge for a change. It doesn't go with my goal of posting less. I'm also really starting to feel like writing again. I've decided that I am going to go back and finish the NaNo story from several years ago, but re-write it as a New Adult instead of just a straight contemporary romance. Not sure when I'll find the time to write. I'll probably just wait till this summer.
So, how did your March go?