Monday, April 30, 2018

Blog Tour Author Interview with Giveaway: Perfectly Misunderstood by Robin Daniels


Book info:
Book Title: Perfectly Misunderstood
Author:  Robin Daniels
Genre: YA Contemporary Romance/Romantic Comedy

Jayden Valdez is an overachieving intellectual. Mike McGinnes is Franklin High School’s dumbest jock. Even though they barely know each other, she finds his personality repulsive and he thinks she’s got a giant stick up her you know what. Mike and Jayden are surprised and annoyed when their teacher pairs them together for Spanish tutoring. Both feel it’s a complete waste of time, since nobody could learn from a person who bugs the crap out of them. Not to mention that their reputations might be ruined if people realize what they’re doing. But it doesn’t take long for Jayden to discover that Mike has a secret—he isn’t the person he appears to be. Much to her dismay, Jayden finds ‘Secret Mike’ strangely attractive. And for some crazy reason, Mike is amused by Jayden’s clever insults and witty banter. Suddenly, they have a much bigger problem than their mutual disdain. What started as irritating tension is beginning to feel more like romantic tension and acting on it would be a very bad idea.

Author Interview:

1.  What does your writing process look like? Do you know the whole story when you start?  Or do you just start writing and go with it (seat of the pants writing)? If you plan it out, how do you do that?  Outline, notecards, post-it-notes, etc.? Are you part of a writers group that gets together and helps each other with their writing?

Oh, I’m definitely a pantser! I always have an idea of what I want to happen, but that’s about it. I usually make a one page outline that contains a brief summary of the main conflict and bullet points listing every major event. I also add a blurb for each main character that describes their personalities, any important backstories and whatever personal challenge they need to overcome. These are short descriptions. Think words, maybe sentences, not paragraphs.

After making the outline, I just start writing and see where the characters take me. It is their story after all. I’m a dialogue heavy writer and I’ve found that the dialogue greatly influences the storyline. Sometimes character’s personalities and backstories change from my original plan based on conversations and how they interact with one another. Mike is a perfect example. The initial plan was to give him a more tortured childhood and bring in his older brother as a bad influence. But as I started writing him it just didn’t feel right, either for his character or the overall feel of the story. So I changed him.

Most of the main events in Perfectly Misunderstood are completely different than what I had on my bullet pointed outline. That’s why I don’t stress too much about plotting. My stories are very fluid and when I write, I put myself in the head of the characters. What would I say if I were them? How would I react in this situation? Sometimes they say/do something funny or witty and the dialogue/action is too perfect to change, so the story adapts around it.
2.  How do you come up with your ideas for your stories?

Often, ideas just pop into my head. Sometimes I’ll be reading a book or watching a movie and think, “if I was writing this, I’d have done it totally different”. Mostly though, my ideas come from my life and are based on situations I’ve been in or things I’ve experienced. I think people would be surprised if they knew how many little things are pulled straight from my life. When Jayden joins Mike on his run by riding her bike alongside him, it’s because I actually did that. I had a boyfriend in college who was a cross country runner and that’s how I went “running” with him. He liked the company and it was the only way I could keep up.
3.  How long have you been writing?
I’m a bit of an anomaly. I started writing my first book in February of last year, which means I’ve been a writer for about 14 months. Four books in fourteen months is NOT normal, so people shouldn’t stress if they’ve been working on the same book for a long time. I never had ambitions of being a writer. But I am a prolific reader and always had tons of book ideas. One day I had an idea that wouldn’t leave my head so I thought, “Hey why not write a book?” I’m so glad I took that random thought and ran with it because now I have a greatly needed creative outlet.
4.  What tips do you have for aspiring writers?

My biggest piece of advice is don’t think, just write. Writers are their own worst enemies when it comes to finishing a book. We expect perfection because the book is our baby. But we over analyze and agonize and then writing becomes a chore instead of a pleasure. Nobody’s first draft is good enough to publish. So just have fun and finish something. The sense of accomplishment and relief will give you the motivation to keep going. It’s a lot easier to perfect a finished manuscript than a work in progress.
5.  What are your favorite:

Books/authors/genres:I like YA and NA books in many genres: dystopian, fantasy, sci-fi, contemporary, etc. For me it’s about the writer’s style more than the genre. I prefer books with dialogue, action and comedy to books that are heavy with description, drama and inner monologue. And there must be a romantic element, no matter how small. I know this might sound hokey, but my favorite author is my sister, Kelly Oram. We have similar personalities and sense of humor and I love her writing style. She’s been writing a long time and has essentially been my mentor.

Movies/TV Shows: For movies, I love action/suspense. If it’s funny, all the better. I also love a good psychological or political thriller. In TV, comedy is my game. Some of the shows I love are: Psych, Community, The Office, How I Met Your Mother, The New Girl, Raising get the picture.

Music: I appreciate all music. I don’t really listen to Rap or Country, but bounce around to everything else. My favorite is alternative rock and has been ever since I was a teenager. Today’s alternative rock is a lot different than it was in the 90’s, but both are good. Back then my favorite band was Bush. Now it’s probably Fall Out Boy or The Killers. My husband rolls his eyes at my gigantic star crush on Brandon Flowers, The Killers lead singer.

Food/Writing snack: I try not to snack too much while I’m working because I’d be eating all day. But if I had to pick one perfect writing snack, it’d be candied nuts. I always have a diet coke by my side, but if it’s late, I switch to caffeine free. I’d be thrilled to write all night, but my family generally frowns upon it.

About the Author:
Robin Daniels is a sixteen-year-old trapped in a middle-aged body. She’s married to an amazing guy and has five cute but crazy kids. When she’s not chasing children or writing books, she’s coaching volleyball or working on her blog. She tries to read as much as possible, especially when she has housework to do. Robin’s favorites include napping, dessert, pedicures, Christmas, Arizona winters, and Diet Coke.

Read below for an excerpt from the book:
Jayden’s glare intensified, and I could tell she was sending me mental death threats. Eventually, she gave up and sat down across from me. “Was that so hard?” I asked.
“About as hard as your head.”
“I have harder parts than my head,” I countered. Her eyes grew wide at the implication. I let her stew for a second before lifting my sleeve and flexing my bicep. “You think that’s hard? You should see my abs.” I’d said it as a joke, but it was basically true.
She was surprised for the briefest moment, then she grunted. “How Cro-Magnon of you.”
“Your grunt suggests you’re familiar with the genotype on a personal level.” I smirked.
Jayden’s eyes narrowed. “At least I’ve evolved. Your face suggests that you haven’t yet.”
I tsked in good nature. “Your face might be prettier than mine, but your manners prove you haven’t evolved as much as you think.”


Sunday, April 29, 2018

Three 5-Star Adult Contemporary Romance Audiobook Reviews

With this post I'll finally have all that I've read from before April reviewed.  And as we get closer to summer, I will hopefully be able to stay caught up on reviews. Although a week in New Orleans in June for ALA might take away from time to read.  But anyway, we'll see how that goes later.  Let's jump right in, shall we?

Beneath These Lies (Beneath #5) by Meghan March:
Published:  April 19th, 2016
Source:  Purchased from Audible
Narrators:  Andi Arndt and Sebastian York
My rating:  5 stars

This was one that had me jumping back and forth, as we didn't know for sure at first if the main character, Valentina, was going to end up with Hennessy or Rix.  And while it was exciting to know that the deep, seductive voice of Sebastian York would be reading to me, we didn't get him for a while.  I figured it was in order to keep us guessing on which guy it would be in the end.  But then when he did get a few chapters in, he actually was doing both Rix and Hennessy, so again, keeping you guessing.  Also, I thought how the tattooed guy on the cover would give it away that it had to be Rix, well, Hennessy also has tattoos, so still no definite answer.  It was obvious that Hennessy was the better match for Valentina, with who her family was.  But the attraction between her and Rix was so much more and made me know that I wanted them to figure out how they could actually make this work. The fact that Rix was trying to figure out how he could get things done in his life so that he could be right for her, well, that said a lot about him.  There was a lot of suspense in this one, not knowing how Rix would get things done, how he would keep Valentina safe.  Knowing what Valentina had gone through in an earlier story, how she'd been attacked, it was at times hard to understand how she could let herself get anywhere near Rix's world. But he took care of her.  At the end you could totally see the big event coming, all the clues were there.  But there was definitely a twist that I didn't necessarily see coming right away.  And I liked it.  I thought this was the final book in this world, and I am so relieved to see that there are two more.  I hope that the man who didn't end up with his woman in this book will be one of those final stories.  I won't tell you which one it is, I'll let you read and find out.

Oh yeah, I also can't WAIT to meet the author at Book Bonanza in Denver this July.

Here is the blurb from Goodreads:
Look, but don’t touch…she might as well wear a neon sign that says it. It just makes me want her more.

She might be above me in every way, but I still want her under me.

I’ve got no business touching her rich-girl skin, but that won’t stop me from stealing a taste. Because rules were meant to be broken—especially when the prize is so fine.

In a world where nothing is as it seems, what's buried beneath these lies?  

The Catch (The Player #2) by K. Bromberg:
Published:  June 29th, 2017
Source:  Purchased from Audible
Narrators:  Andi Arndt and Joe Arden
My rating:  5 stars

So, as you might remember from my review, The Player left off on a big cliffhanger.   So when I started this one, I was ready to find out exactly what had happened.  And at first, I was a bit confused based on what was happening.  But let me tell you what, Bromberg's writing must have a direct connection to my tear ducts, because her books always make me cry!  And this one was no exception.  I totally understood why Easton was upset on the one hand, but I don't think it makes sense for him to blame Scout the way he did, because it makes no sense that she would do something that also made her lose her chance at getting the contract for her dad's practice if she was doing what Easton thought she was doing.  And then of course there is the secret that Easton has, and when we find it out, it is somewhat along the lines of what I'd thought.  When Easton finally realizes that what Scout did was her trying to make the best decision she could at the drop of a hat with no support from him or his agent, I liked how it happened.  I feel like that was a pretty realistic way of handling it all. 

When Easton got drunk, he was so cute.  I loved that part.  And it seemed as if all of it was resolved so quickly, and I knew there would be more.  Of course there was with his secret.  But not just that, I knew the part about Santiago had been alluded to over and over throughout the first book and this one as well, so I was not shocked when my hunches were proven to be correct.  And with that situation, I am so glad that Easton didn't get drawn into the whole thing of thinking that Scout was lying to him about that, when she wasn't at all, I feel like that was so much more realistic than how it is normally turned into big drama for a similar thing in other stories. 

Again, I loved this book.  Made me so ready for baseball season here in Kansas City, even though after losing my favorite, Eric Hosmer, it seems like we may be back to the less successful Royals team I grew up with most of my life.  I'm pretty sure I'll read any and everything that Bromberg writes, and you should pick her books up too!  Also, I love Andi Arndt's narrating, she pretty much will make me listen to anything. And I'm beginning to become quite the fan of Joe Arden as well.

Here is the blurb from Goodreads:
After an unexpected twist of fate, All-Star catcher Easton Wylder is left questioning the loyalty of everyone around him.

Even the woman who shares his bed, Scout Dalton.

But if Easton thought being uprooted to the last place he expected was the only challenge life had to throw at him, he was dead wrong.

With an ailing shoulder and his career in limbo, his decision to make an unexpected change leads him to question everything – Scout’s love, family loyalties, and whether he can conquer the one obstacle he’s never been able to overcome. The secret he’s never shared with anyone.

He may be a man pushed to his limits, but he’s hell-bent on proving his worth no matter the cost.

Trusting Liam (Taking Chances #2) by Molly McAdams:
Published:  June 9th, 2015
Source: Digital download checkout from library

Narrators:  June Hadley, Cody Hammersmith
My rating:  5 stars

Okay, when I read my first book by Molly McAdams, Taking Chances, I was not that impressed.   The next two books I read by the author definitely redeemed her for me, and believe it or not, I actually told her that when I met her.  But this book I adored.  I loved all the ways that McAdams connects back to not only the one I didn't enjoy, but to the next ones that I did, Forgiving Lies and Deceiving Lies.  I loved that Kennedy's family is from the series that I did really enjoy.  But Liam's family, even though being from the book that I wasn't thrilled with, well, now I actually want to go back and reread, and remember all the characters that I didn't quite remember in this book.  I had assumed, knowing who Kennedy's family was, that the reason she didn't want to fall in love again was a little more sinister than what it turned out to be.  In fact, when that past shows up and throws a wrench in her finally getting good relationship with Liam, I was definitely in shock.  But I was also upset with her dad for his part in it.  And while what Liam did irritated me a bit, I understood him, especially when he was explaining to his family what part from his past he was playing in this situation.  I knew what was going on with Kyra at the end was what I expected it to be.  Although I feel like Kennedy was definitely a bit self-involved at that time or she should have figured it out. 

Honestly, any book that makes me look back fondly on characters for a book that I didn't adore, and makes me want to go back and reread it, well that is a winner and a well-written story to me.  I look forward to more books by McAdams in the future.  Also, I loved the whole "Goodnight, Moon" bit, and how the author finally tied it back to the children's book at the end, since it had been in my mind since the first time Liam said it.

The narrators were good, although I had to speed up the audiobook to 1.25 because they were a little slow.

Here is the blurb from Goodreads:
From the New York Times bestselling author of Taking Chances, From Ashes, and Stealing Harper, comes the new unforgettable adult romance Molly McAdams’ fans have been waiting for—the sizzling story of a young woman who must place her trust in the one man who can break through her defenses.

A night they will always remember…a connection neither can deny…a secret that could destroy it all…

When Kennedy Ryan moves to California, she never expects to come face-to-face with Liam Taylor—the intriguing man who has haunted her thoughts for a year. A man who led her to breaking every one of her rules for a single night of passion that ended up meaning more than it was ever supposed to. Accustomed to disastrous experiences with men, Kennedy shields herself before he can break down more of the carefully built control she’s clung to for the last four years. But every time she sees Liam, she feels her resolve weakening.

Liam Taylor has been asked to help socialize his boss’s nieces. But what he thinks sounds more like a babysitting job ends up leading him to the only girl who ever slipped away before morning—a girl he thought he’d never find again. And now that she’s within reach, Liam’s determined to never let her go.

But when a secret from her past tests their relationship, will they be able to cling to the trust Liam has worked so hard to build?

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Book Tour with Giveaway: Can't Stand the Heat (Will Cook for Love #3) by Peggy Jaeger

Can't Stand the Heat
Will Cook For Love #3
by Peggy Jaeger
Genre: Contemporary Romance

In Peggy Jaeger’s delectable series, delicious food is just an appetizer for life’s main course: the kind of love that feeds your soul.
With three successful TV series under her belt, including her cousin Kandy’s, executive producer Stacy Peters is ready to helm her own show. But to make that happen, she has to do her network boss one favor first—spend two months on a ranch in Montana wrangling the notoriously difficult director of Beef Battles. Apparently, he eats producers for breakfast. Yet all Stacy can think when she meets the lean, rugged man is how hungry he makes her . . .
Dominic Stamp—Nikko to his very few friends—has had enough interference from TV newbies. And when Stacy climbs out of the car in Montana, he’s not convinced she’s even old enough to drive, much less produce his show. But he can’t deny that the long-legged blonde with the stubborn will and the dazzling smile whets his appetite. And as Stacy proves her talent with the crew and the budget alike, Nikko vows to prove to her that love is on the menu for both of them . . .
Look for exclusive recipes in each book!

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“I wish you’d do that more often,” he said, his hand circling her upper arm as he turned her, slowly, back to face him.

“What? Leave?”

He stared at her a beat, the line between his brows deepening. “Smile.”

Flabbergasted, she stood, rooted.

“More specifically,” he added, “smile at me. You do at everyone else. From Dixon, to his son; the crew. Even Melora. Everyone, but me.”


His grip tightened a little as he pulled her in closer, their torsos almost touching.
“Why? Why can you show everyone else that little piece of yourself, but not me?”

“I…I don’t know how to answer that,” she said. “I know I was thrust on you without you wanting me here. I know you don’t like me, I—“

“That’s not true. I didn’t want to like you,” he admitted. “There’s a difference. You’re a producer. A bottom line watcher. An annoying necessity. Liking you goes against the grain.”

At that she did smile, because she knew it was true.

“See now,” he said, as he slid his other hand up her arm to settle on the back of her neck, fingers curling up into her hair to hold on. “When you do that? When you smile at me like that, so openly, so…freely? I can’t think about anything else.”

A gentle tug and he had her head pillowed in his spread palms as he bent his own down to hers.
Through her glasses she watched the fine whiskey in his eyes blend with the ink of his pupils as they dilated.

“I haven’t been able to think clearly about anything for the past few days.” His mouth was a whisper from hers. His gaze skimmed from her eyes to her mouth and back again in one slow string of heat. “Except for this.”

She thought she’d be prepared for the feel of his lips on hers again. After all, she’d done little else but reminisce about their texture and taste for days. But she was wrong.

So wrong.

Nothing could have ever prepared her for the way the slight pressure he placed on the back of her neck as he brought her closer sent a shiver of such carnal delight down her spine she almost hummed. Or the way his breath, warm and full, felt as it washed over her cheeks. And she certainly wasn’t prepared for the onslaught of emotions he released within her when he quite expertly parted her lips and deepened the kiss, pulling at her very soul.

No, nothing in her life had equipped her with how to deal with Nikko Stamp’s kiss.

So she simply let go of all thought, fear, and concern, and surrendered to it.

Peggy Jaeger is a contemporary romance author who writes about strong women, the families who support them, and the men who can't live without them. Peggy holds a master's degree in Nursing Administration and first found publication with several articles she authored on Alzheimer's Disease during her time running an Alzheimer's in patient care unit during the 1990s. A lifelong and avid romance reader and writer, she is a member of RWA and is the Secretary of her local New Hampshire RWA Chapter. When she’s not writing she can be found cooking. With over 100 cookbooks, dog eared and well loved, her passion for writing is only seconded by her desire to create the perfect meal for those she loves.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts and a giveaway!

Friday, April 27, 2018

Release Blitz with Giveaway: Living With Her One-Night Stand by Noelle Adams

Book info:

Title: Living with Her One-Night Stand
Author: Noelle Adams
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: April 24, 2018
Publisher: Noelle Adams
Series: The Loft
Format: Digital eBook / Print
Digital ISBN: B079QBFN82
Print ISBN: 9781386003724


Jill has never been good at taking risks, but she spends one hot night with a sexy stranger, knowing she'll never see him again. Then Lucas shows up the next morning as her new roommate. He was supposed to be a one-night stand, but now he'll be living in the empty room in her shared apartment for the next six months.

Jill needs stability and a long-term relationship, and she knows Lucas can never give her those things. He's looking for a life free of commitments or obligations. She knows he's wrong for her. She shouldn't want him for more than one night.

But she lives with him. He's around all the time--with his sexy smile and his hard body and the soft heart he pretends not to have. Not wanting him isn't really an option.

Add to your TBR list:  Goodreads

Available at:  Amazon  |  Barnes and Noble  |  Kobo  |  iTunes

Copyright © 2018 Living With Her One-Night Stand
Noelle Adams

On Monday morning, Jill overslept.
She set her alarm for seven, but it was seven thirty-five when she finally woke up. As soon as she registered the time, she flew out of bed and ran to the bathroom.
She hated being late. As much as it annoyed her when other people were late, she hated it even more when it was her.
She took a three-minute shower, grabbed an outfit that wouldn’t take any effort to pull together—a knee-length A-line dress in a vintage print—and snatched a handful of jewelry that might possibly work with it. She’d barely gotten her shoes on before she was rushing into the kitchen to get some coffee.
Michelle was at the counter with her laptop as she always was, eating cereal and working. But what surprised Jill was finding that Lucas was up too.
He didn’t have to work. He didn’t have a schedule. He could still be in bed.
But there he was, sitting at the counter with a cup of coffee, putzing on his phone. Wearing nothing but a pair of old sweatpants. His hair was mussed, he needed to shave, and he wasn’t wearing a shirt.
So the first thing Jill saw as she came into the kitchen was a whole lot of gorgeous male back and shoulders and arms.
She didn’t need to see that this morning.
She dumped her pile of jewelry on the counter as she poured herself a cup of coffee.
“Morning,” Lucas said, sounding friendly and casual.
What was he even doing up this early?
And why did he have to sound so awake? Awake and masculine. Awake and masculine and sexy.
First thing on a Monday morning.
She did her best to suppress a snarl.
“You’re running late,” Michelle said, without looking up from her laptop. “Did you oversleep?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Jill was trying to drink her coffee and put on her earnings, bracelets, necklace, and rings at the same time.
Lucas was watching her with laid-back interest in his green eyes.
She tried not to snarl at him again.
His eyebrows went up slightly, and she realized she must not have done a good job at the suppression.
She turned her back to him, reaching into the cupboard for a breakfast bar. She preferred to eat cereal, but she didn’t have time this morning. She kept her back to Lucas as she gulped down more of her coffee.
“You missed a button.”
She stiffened, glancing over her shoulder to verify that Lucas had been talking to her. “What?”
“You missed a button.” He gestured toward her dress. “You want me to get it?”
“I can get it,” she gritted out, contorting her arms until she could feel which button on the back of her dress was undone. Discovering it, she stretched her shoulders painfully so she could button it.
When she glanced back over at Lucas, she saw that his mouth was tilted up slightly.
He was laughing at her. Silently but definitely laughing.
She didn’t try to hide her snarl this time.
He didn’t have to be up and dressed and at work by eight in the morning. He didn’t have to sit there in her kitchen, looking smug and gorgeous and amused and irresistibly rumpled when she could barely pull it together.
What kind of malicious turn of fate had made him her roommate at all?
When she’d managed her button, she poured more coffee into her cup and took it with her, grabbing her bag on her way out as she left.
She did remember to mumble out a “See you later,” before she closed the door.
It was just the first Monday morning of Lucas living in her apartment.
It was going to be a long six months.

About the Author:
Noelle handwrote her first romance novel in a spiral-bound notebook when she was twelve, and she hasn’t stopped writing since. She has lived in eight different states and currently resides in Virginia, where she reads any book she can get her hands on and offers tribute to a very spoiled cocker spaniel.

She loves travel, art, history, and ice cream. After spending far too many years of her life in graduate school, she has decided to reorient her priorities and focus on writing contemporary romances.


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Noelle is offering one (1) lucky Grand Prize winner a $25 Amazon Gift Card and three (3) Runner-Ups an eCopy of one her backlist titles. To enter, simply fill out the Rafflecopter below: