Sunday, July 26, 2015

Stacking the Shelves - July 26th, 2015

Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.  It is a way for us to share the new books we have collected.  This week I got several physical books, a few free e-books, and no egalleys.  I also got these cool Pop figures:

Physical books:

I've been wanting to read the new companion series to Flowers in the Attic, and I know that Secret Brother is one of them.  I just didn't realize the other two I'd seen were supposed to be before this one.  So guess I'll be on the lookout for them.  I'm hoping that I didn't already buy Red Hill, but I've wanted to read it for awhile, and it was on the bargain table for like $5, so I had to grab it.  I got Prodigy through the Books for Trade tag.  I've tried really hard to keep the coloring books out of my house so that I don't waste time on them, but I love peacocks so had to buy this one.  Broken Trust is by my friend Michelle Sodaro, and I finally was able to get together with her since she got them so that I could buy one.  And the last one is just a sampler of the actual Black Widow book that they were giving out at my bookstore during the Pop Culture Fangirl event.  


Both of those were free ebooks.  They sound pretty good.  

So, what books did you add to your shelves this week?