Monday, September 30, 2019

Blog Tour Review with Excerpt: Kiss Me Tonight (Kiss Me #2) by Emma Hart


What do a wrong number text, a burning building, and a quirky florist have in common?

A hunky firefighter with an extra-large…hosepipe.

Kiss Me Tonight, an all-new hilarious standalone romance from New York Times bestselling author Emma Hart is available now!

Book info:
TitleKiss Me Tonight
Author:  Emma Hart
SeriesKiss Me #2
Genre:  Adult romantic comedy
Release Date:  September 24th, 2019
Source:  E-galley from Social Butterfly PR which did not influence my opinion
My rating:  5 stars


In hindsight, I never should have opened that text message. The last thing I needed first thing on a Monday was a picture of some stranger’s, um, eggplant, in my inbox.

I also should have replaced the batteries in my fire alarm, because my Friday night did not need to end with my apartment building going up in flames.

But it’s fine. It’s fine. Everything is fine.

I’m only lying in a hospital bed with more split ends than I’ve ever had, almost all my Earthly possessions have turned to ash, and apparently, they don’t serve wine to patients in this place.

But like I said, it’s fine.

Until he walks in.

The guy who saved my life. My hero. Noah Jacobs.

And the universe is amusing itself at my expense, because the dirty photo I woke up to on Monday?

It’s his.


My Review:
So I loved first book in this series of standalone titles, Kiss Me Not.   Honestly, I almost always love all books by this author.  And of course the way this book starts out, the description, well, I was laughing before I even actually started the book!  What I'm loving most about this series, other than the hilariousness of all the characters and situations, is how real it is.  It doesn't have a ton of drama, just the things that every day people might go through in a relationship. And sometimes that's all I want.  I love how much the types of comments the characters make to their friends and family are so much exactly like what I might say to my own friends and family.  And then, one bit in this one I loved was her comment about the Justin Timberlake poster in her bedroom. How when she was a kid the way JT was looking at her that way because he wanted to marry her, but now it was because he wanted to kill her.  So freaking hilarious to think about how the movie stars or singers that we had crushes on in the day used to do the "blue steel" looks for their posters, or maybe you'd call it the duck lip look.  LOL!!!  I don't know if I can describe just how much I love this author's writing!!!  We also got to enjoy Preston and Halley from Kiss Me Not, including raccoon babies!  I can't wait for Ava's book next, which at the moment, looks like it will be published on my birthday in October!

Download your copy today!
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I glanced over at him, my lips curving. “Hi.”  

“You ready?”  

“To escape the madhouse? What do you think?”  

“That I should put my foot down.”  

I winked and clicked my belt into place. “Let’s go. Where are we going?”  

Noah pulled away from the curb. “I was going to let you direct me. I haven’t been in town long, like I said, and I definitely haven’t been out for lunch.”  

I leaned back in the seat. “Hmm. What do you want to eat?”  

“You’re the one breaking out of jail. I’m happy to go wherever you want to.”  

“Oh, no. I hate making decisions like this. Do you know how difficult it is to pick somewhere to eat?” I shifted my whole body so I could look at him. “Do you want Chinese? Thai? Steak? Korean? Pizza? Burgers? Caribbean? Mexican? Spanish? French? Italian?”  

Noah’s gaze darted my way. “Do you have all those places in Creek Falls?”  

“No, but that doesn’t make the decision any easier,” I replied. “Well? Burgers? Pizza? Mexican? Italian? Steak? Or Chinese?”  

“I don’t—shit me, I feel like I’m being interrogated by the fucking Government.”  

“You may as well be. Pick somewhere and I’ll tell you where to go.”  

“I said you can pick.”  

“I don’t care. I’ve been everywhere. They’re all good. You’re the new boy in town. Pick somewhere.”  
“You’re demanding, do you know that?”  

“Yes, Preston—oh, he’s my brother—regularly points out how demanding and difficult I am.” I paused. “If you really want me to pick, I will, but you can’t complain after.”  

He turned the blinker on so we’d head in the direction of Main Street. “You just said they’re all good.”

“They are, but it’s not my fault if you feel like pizza and end up with a taco.”  

“I can honestly say that I do not care what I eat for lunch as long as it’s edible.”

“Right. Then turn left, then right, and pull into the parking lot next to the liquor store.”  

“I see you’re taking us to a reputable location.”

“Oh, no. The liquor store is a pit stop. It just happens to be on the way to the Mexican place I like.”  

“I see. So you’re using me for liquor.”  

“You’ve met my great-aunt. Damn straight I’m using you for liquor.”

About Emma Hart
Emma Hart is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over thirty novels and has been translated into several different languages.

She is a mother, wife, lover of wine, Pink Goddess, and valiant rescuer of wild baby hedgehogs.

Emma prides herself on her realistic, snarky smut, with comebacks that would make a PMS-ing teenage girl proud.

Yes, really. She's that sarcastic.

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Blog Tour Review with Excerpt: Reveal (Wicked Ways #2) by K. Bromberg

Reveal - BT banner

I play to win, and I won’t let anything—or anyone—get in the way of what I want.

REVEAL, the raw, sexy, and jaw-dropping finale to the Wicked Ways series by New York Times bestselling author K. Bromberg, is available now! 

Book info:
Author:  K. Bromberg
SeriesWicked Ways #2
Genre:  Adult contemporary romance
Release Date:  September 24th, 2019
Publisher:  Montlake Romance
Source:  E-galley from Social Butterfly PR which did not influence my opinion
My rating:  5 stars

The first time I met Vaughn Sanders, I knew I wanted her. Confident, intelligent, and downright sexy. I thought I knew how to play her game. I was ready and willing for the challenge. Little did I know she was full of secrets and surprises.

But so am I.

Charming a woman into my bed has never been my problem. It’s the relationship part that is. They want it. I don’t. But can you blame me? Broken marriages are how I make a living. Hell, no self-respecting man would let a woman own his thoughts, invade his dreams, and steal his heart. So how in the world has Vaughn done that to me?

I’ve fallen in love with her. There. I said it. But that acknowledgment comes with a heavy price.
Everything and everyone seem to be working against us, leaving us both to question whether what we have is worth the cost.

I’ll be damned if I go down without a fight.

Reveal - AN

My Review:
Okay, so if you read my review to book one, Resist, you'll know it ended with a major cliffhanger, that we definitely get to start right back in the middle of. And of course, what happened was really what I figured happened, so in the end, my love for Ryker was saved.  But things get even more intense in this sequel as we get more of Vaughn's background story, story that she may not even realize what happened exactly, as her young mind had blocked it out for her.  There's only so much I can say in this review so as not to give away anything if you haven't read the first one. But I have to say that the author took this in a direction I totally did not see coming, and the way she did it made it so I didn't have to think anyone was being stubborn unreasonably.  In fact, I think the way Vaughn ended up handling things was pretty much the right way.  And it wasn't even just the big bad guy that we had to deal with at the end, there was that other side story that I had kind of wondered about along the way.  But once again, Bromberg has written a story that is wonderfully deep and intense, sexy and romantic, with great characters and some unique situations.  Another book for me to highly recommend!

Download your copy today or read FREE in Kindle Unlimited!
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Start the series today with RESIST

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Text Kbromberg to 77948 to stay up to date on all things, Driven movies and new releases!

She want's a fight_

“Ryker . . . please . . . just let me go.” But this time when she speaks there is something in her voice that catches my ear. The same thing that has me looking a little bit closer, regardless of how much my chest constricts in doing so, and I notice the tears welling in her eyes and the tremble of her bottom lip.  

A chink in her damn armor. She doesn’t want to tell me we’re over any more than I want to believe her.  

“What the fuck is going on here? You’re hiding something from me.”

“No. I’m not. This just can’t be.” She starts to skirt around me, and it takes everything I have not to reach out and keep her there.  

“Don’t walk away from me when I’m talking to you!”  

“And don’t you think for a second you can tell me what to do,” she counters, hair flying over her shoulder, jaw clenched.

“I’m not in the mood for your games.”  

“My games?” she screeches and throws me off guard when I shouldn’t be. “My games? You’re the one who did this to me. All of it. And you tell me I’m playing games?”  

“What the—?” I stop and try to figure out what she’s talking about. My hands are on her shoulders, and I’m all but shaking her to force her to look me in the eyes. “Did what to you, Vaughn? What the hell have I done to you besides fuck myself over by falling in love with you?” Words that should be said with kindness come out in a frustrated rage. Truths I don’t want to voice, and now I can’t take them back.  

And she just stands there with her head shaking to reject my words, eyes wide with a hint of fear, and fuck if I don’t hate myself right now for everything I feel: rage, desperation, love, desire.  

How can you swear you’re not cut out for a relationship and love in one breath, then with the next fight so goddamn hard to keep it?  

What is this woman doing to me?

I scrub my hands over my face and take a deep breath to calm the fuck down. To force myself to cool my temper so I can keep her here instead of pushing her farther away.  

“What is it, baby?” I all but plead with a voice as soft as I can make it. “Tell me why you’re walking away when you don’t want to.” She averts her eyes, confirming there’s something more. “I can’t help you unless you tell me what happened. I can’t understand why the other night meant nothing to you until you do.”  

Come on. Talk to me.  

“Carter paid me a visit after I left your place.” Her voice is soft, but her defiance is mounting.  

That’s definitely not what I expected to come out of her mouth.  

“What do you mean, Carter paid you a visit?”  

“Just what I said.”  

“Why? For what? That fucking asshole better not have touched you.”  

“Does it matter if he did?” Her voice rises. “You invited him into my personal life. You gave him everything he needs to destroy me.”

About K. Bromberg
New York Times Bestselling author K. Bromberg writes contemporary novels that contain a mixture of sweet, emotional, a whole lot of sexy, and a little bit of real. She likes to write strong heroines, and damaged heroes who we love to hate and hate to love.

A mom of three, she plots her novels in between school runs and soccer practices, more often than not with her laptop in tow.

Since publishing her first book in 2013, Kristy has sold over one million copies of her books across sixteen different countries and has landed on the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestsellers lists over twenty-five times. Her Driven trilogy (Driven, Fueled, and Crashed) is currently being adapted for film by Passionflix with the first movie slated to release in the summer of 2018.

She is currently working on her Everyday Heroes trilogy. This series consists of three complete standalone novels—Cuffed, Combust, and Cockpit (late spring 2018)—and is about three brothers who are emergency responders, the jobs that call to them, and the women who challenge them.

She loves to hear from her readers so make sure you check her out on social media or sign up for her newsletter to stay up to date on all her latest releases and sales:

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Saturday, September 28, 2019

Cleaning Up My TBR With a Giveaway (US Only) - Down the TBR Hole #40

This meme was started by Lost in a Story.  Here is how it works:
  • Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 if you’re feeling adventurous) books
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?
Because I have so many to do, I'm going to try to do this weekly, and do 10 at a time. 

1.   Taken by Erin Bowman:
There are no men in Claysoot. There are boys—but every one of them vanishes at midnight on his eighteenth birthday. The ground shakes, the wind howls, a blinding light descends…and he’s gone.

They call it the Heist.

Gray Weathersby’s eighteenth birthday is mere months away, and he’s prepared to meet his fate–until he finds a strange note from his mother and starts to question everything he’s been raised to accept: the Council leaders and their obvious secrets. The Heist itself. And what lies beyond the Wall that surrounds Claysoot–a structure that no one can cross and survive.

Climbing the Wall is suicide, but what comes after the Heist could be worse. Should he sit back and wait to be taken–or risk everything on the hope of the other side?


My thoughts:
I know I've read others by this author that I liked, but don't know if I'll get to this one? 

Verdict:  Toss

2.  Must've Done Something Good by Cheryl Cory:
If you love "The Sound of Music" and "Pride and Prejudice," prepare to be enchanted by "Must've Done Something Good!"

Sylvie O'Rourke, "The Sound of Music" devotee and born procrastinator, is about to die. Well, she thinks she is, anyway, and so attempts a last-ditch bargain with God for her life.

"You guys are my witnesses," she tells her sisters somewhere over Connecticut. "If we get out of this plane alive, I promise to do something good with my life."

Back on firm ground, Kate and Meg won't let their sister forget her promise, and with their years of practice hitting just the right chords of guilt ("What kind of person lies to God?" Meg wants to know), Sylvie finally caves.

A teaching position at the broken-down St. Matthew's High School appears to be Sylvie's perfect opportunity to do some good. That is, until she's snubbed by a fellow teacher on the first day of school.

Whether she's becoming a bit too invested in the students' fall fundraiser or directing the school's sure-fire musical disaster, Sylvie's charmingly irreverent style gets her called down to the principal more often than her students. Can Sylvie keep her promise and make it through the year, dignity and sanity intact?

My thoughts
Not sure exactly why I added this one.  Not one I care so much about now.

Verdict: Toss 

3.  A Call to Creativity:  Writing, Reading, and Inspiring Students in the Age of Standardization by Luke Reynolds:
In this age of standardization, many English teachers are unsure about how to incorporate creative writing and thinking into their classroom. In a fresh new voice, Luke Reynolds emphasizes that “creativity in our lives as teachers and in the lives of our students is one of our most vital needs in the 21st century.”

Based on his own journey as an English teacher, A Call to Creativity is a practical guide that shows teachers how they can encourage and support students’ creativity in the English/language arts classroom. The book offers both the inspiration and practical steps teachers need to engage their students through a variety of hands-on projects and worksheets that can be used immediately to insert creativity into any standards-based curriculum.

Book Features:

--Adaptable projects tested in diverse school environments.
--Guiding questions at the end of each chapter.
--Lesson plans for creative writing assignments.
--Over 30 pages of worksheets and sample assignments.

Luke Reynolds has taught 7th- through 12th-grade English in Massachusetts and Connecticut public schools, as well as composition at Northern Arizona University. He is co-editor of the bestselling book Burned In: Fueling the Fire to Teach.
My thoughts:  
I'm not an English teacher anymore, only did that for one year.  And while I'm sure this has some good stuff in it, it doesn't fit my current career.

Verdict: Toss

4.  Wicked Jealous by Robin Palmer:
Simone never saw herself as the “cute girl”—she was always the chunky, band tee wearing, France-obsessed smart girl. But now that Simone’s a few pounds lighter and sporting a new retro style, things have gotten, well, weird. Her crush Jason seems to actually know she exists. And when Simone’s soon-to-be stepmonster Hillary stops ignoring her, Simone knows something is up. When Simone’s brother offers to let her move in with him and his six roommates on the beach for the summer, Simone jumps at the chance. But living with seven very different college boys isn’t exactly helping her land her very own happily ever after.

My thoughts:  
This one actually sounds kind of good, I don't remember adding it, but I kind of want to read it still!

Verdict:  Keep

5.   Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins:
Embrace the Forbidden

What if there were teens whose lives literally depended on being bad influences?

This is the reality for sons and daughters of fallen angels.
Tenderhearted Southern girl Anna Whitt was born with the sixth sense to see and feel emotions of other people. She's aware of a struggle within herself, an inexplicable pull toward danger, but it isn't until she turns sixteen and meets the alluring Kaidan Rowe that she discovers her terrifying heritage and her willpower is put to the test. He's the boy your daddy warned you about. If only someone had warned Anna.

Forced to face her destiny, will Anna embrace her halo or her horns?

My thoughts:
So, I do love this author. But while I think I might still want to read this some day, I don't think I need to keep it on my Goodreads TBR, because it is a pretty popular one I'll remember.  Plus we have it on our shelves at my library.

Verdict:  Toss

6.  Death and the Girl Next Door by Darynda Jones:
Sophomore Year Was Never Supposed to be This Complicated

Ten years ago, Lorelei McAlister's parents disappeared without a trace, and she is finally beginning to accept the fact that they're never coming back. Life must go on. She's got her grandparents and the support of her best friends, and high school is not quite as painful as she thought it would be.

But This is What Happens When You Fall for the Angel of Death.
Until the day the school's designated loner, Cameron Lusk, begins to stalk her, turning up where she least expects it, standing outside her house in the dark, tough, sexy Jared Kovach - comes to school. Cameron and Jared instantly despise each other, and Lorelei seems to be the reason for their animosity.

Life as She Knows it is About to Change Forever.
What does Jared know about her parents? Why does Cameron tell Jared he can't have Lorelei? And what will any of them do when Death comes knocking for real? Thrilling, sassy, sexy, and inventive, Death and the Girl Next Door proves Darynda Jones is a force to be reckoned with.

My thoughts:
This doesn't sound that original. But I feel like maybe I should read this author at some point?  I don't know.  Probably won't read this anytime soon.

Verdict: Toss

7.  Lucci-The No Smoochie Poochie by Donna L. Sadd:
Imagine adopting a dog to find out that he doesn’t give smoochies, kisses, lickies-nothing. Well, one family adopted a brother and sister pair of Dachshunds to find out just that; little Lucci (pronounced-loochy) was a no smoochie Poochie! Smile and giggle reading how this family, along with 2 other rather unique resident pups, tries everything to the point of exhaustion and still never gives up to get Lucci to give smoochies. Folks say that LUCCI is a perfect bedtime read for young children.

My thoughts:  
As adorable as this sounds, I have no idea why in the world I added it?

Verdict:  Toss

 8.  Daylight Saving by Edward Hogan:
Can you save someone from something that’s already happened?

Daniel’s expectations for his forced vacation with his father at the Leisure World Holiday Complex are low. He hates sports, and his father is mostly lost in drink and depression. But then he sees a strange girl swimming in the fake lake, and everything changes. Lexi has a smart mouth and a killer swim stroke, but dark secrets swirl around her. She’s got bruises and cuts that seem to be getting worse instead of better. She’s always alone. And her watch is ticking backwards. When a dark figure begins to stalk Lexi and Daniel, the truth must come out. This gripping ghost story will raise goose bumps and questions: does a traumatic past mean the future is a foregone conclusion?

My thoughts:
Doesn't sound that great to me.  Ghost story or not.

Verdict:  Toss

9.  Altar of Eden by James Rollins:
Baghdad falls . . . and armed men are seen looting the city zoo. Amid a hail of bullets, a concealed underground lab is ransacked--and something horrific is set loose upon the world.

Seven years later, Louisiana state veterinarian Lorna Polk investigates an abandoned shipwrecked fishing trawler carrying exotic caged animals, part of a black market smuggling ring. But there is something disturbingly wrong with these beasts--each an unsettling mutation of the natural order, all sharing one uncanny trait: incredibly heightened intelligence.

Joining forces with U.S. Border Patrol Agent Jack Menard--a man who shares with her a dark and bloody past--Lorna sets out to uncover the truth about this strange cargo and the terrorist threat it poses. Because a beast escaped the shipwreck and is running amok--and what is about to be born upon the altar of Eden could threaten not only the future of the world but the very foundation of what it means to be human.

My thoughts:
I love James Rollins, but haven't been in the mood to read this type of book in a while.  Plus, I don't know that I need to keep his books on here, he's popular enough I can always just look up books by him and see what I haven't read if I decide to try again.

Verdict: Toss

10-11.  The Know it All:  One Man's Humble Quest to Become the Smartest Person in the World  and The Year of Living Biblically:  One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible by A.J. Jacobs:
Part memoir and part education (or lack thereof), The Know-It-All chronicles NPR contributor A.J. Jacobs's hilarious, enlightening, and seemingly impossible quest to read the Encyclopaedia Britannica from A to Z.

33,000 Pages
44 Million Words
10 Billion Years Of History
1 Obsessed Man

To fill the ever-widening gaps in his Ivy League education, A.J. Jacobs sets for himself the daunting task of reading all thirty-two volumes of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. His wife, Julie, tells him it's a waste of time, his friends believe he is losing his mind, and his father, a brilliant attorney who had once attempted the same feat and quit somewhere around Borneo, is encouraging but unconvinced.

With self-deprecating wit and a disarming frankness, The Know-It-All recounts the unexpected and comically disruptive effects Operation Encyclopedia has on every part of Jacobs's life -- from his newly minted marriage to his complicated relationship with his father and the rest of his charmingly eccentric New York family to his day job as an editor at Esquire. Jacobs's project tests the outer limits of his stamina and forces him to explore the real meaning of intelligence as he endeavors to join Mensa, win a spot on Jeopardy!, and absorb 33,000 pages of learning. On his journey he stumbles upon some of the strangest, funniest, and most profound facts about every topic under the sun, all while battling fatigue, ridicule, and the paralyzing fear that attends his first real-life responsibility -- the impending birth of his first child.

The Know-It-All is an ingenious, mightily entertaining memoir of one man's intellect, neuroses, and obsessions, and a struggle between the all-consuming quest for factual knowledge and the undeniable gift of hard-won wisdom.

From the bestselling author of "The Know-It-All" comes a fascinating and timely exploration of religion and the Bible.Raised in a secular family but increasingly interested in the relevance of faith in our modern world, A.J. Jacobs decides to dive in headfirst and attempt to obey the Bible as literally as possible for one full year. He vows to follow the Ten Commandments. To be fruitful and multiply. To love his neighbor. But also to obey the hundreds of less publicized rules: to avoid wearing clothes made of mixed fibers; to play a ten-string harp; to stone adulterers.

The resulting spiritual journey is at once funny and profound, reverent and irreverent, personal and universal and will make you see history's most influential book with new eyes.

Jacobs's quest transforms his life even more radically than the year spent reading the entire "Encyclopedia Britannica" for "The Know-It-All." His beard grows so unruly that he is regularly mistaken for a member of ZZ Top. He immerses himself in prayer, tends sheep in the Israeli desert, battles idolatry, and tells the absolute truth in all situations - much to his wife's chagrin.

Throughout the book, Jacobs also embeds himself in a cross-section of communities that take the Bible literally. He tours a Kentucky-based creationist museum and sings hymns with Pennsylvania Amish. He dances with Hasidic Jews in Brooklyn and does Scripture study with Jehovah's Witnesses. He discovers ancient biblical wisdom of startling relevance. And he wrestles with seemingly archaic rules that baffle the twenty-first-century brain.Jacobs's extraordinary undertaking yields unexpected epiphanies and challenges. A book that will charm readers both secular and religious, "The Year of Living Biblically" is part Cliff Notes to the Bible, part memoir, and part look into worlds unimaginable. Thou shalt not be able to put it down.

My thoughts:
I know that at some time I want to read all the books by this author, I loved the one I did read, Drop Dead Healthy.  But I will just keep one of these on my Goodreads list, so I will at least have his name remembered.

Verdict:  Keep one - Toss one

Final Thoughts:
So I actually did 11 off my list this week, and I'm only keeping 2 of them, so that is good.

Once again you can see that I may have dropped some, but you can also see how many I've added during the week as well because I'm also pointing out how many books are on my Want to Read list on Goodreads each week.  This week, after taking these 8 off, I have 3,142 books listed now, and last week I ended with 3,147.  So I improved!  A tiny bit.

Have you read any of these?  Would you suggest I keep any I'm tossing?  And if you're inspired to do this on your blog, please feel free to join in and share a link in the comments, since it will also get you an extra entry into my giveaway at the bottom of this post.      

Once again this is a US only giveaway, unless you are International and see a book here you really want and would be willing to pay for the difference in the shipping through Paypal or some other way.  You get to pick any two books from the pictures below, as long as they don't get traded away, or picked by last week's winner, and I will pick a surprise book from the piles to add to your choice.  As I mentioned above, unpacking is finding a lot of books to get rid of, so you have even more to pick from this week!  Here are your choices:   

2018 ARCs:

2017 ARCs:

I'm continuing to add in my early 2019 ARCs now.  You can pick one of your two choices from the picture below, the other book you pick needs to come from the pictures above.  

And here are the older ones I've cleaned out as I unpack:

2010-2014 ARCs:

2015-2016 ARCs:

Once again I'm going to let you pick two, along with me throwing in a surprise third book!  Just enter the Rafflecopter below.   Disclaimer:  Unfortunately, while I've only had it happen once, I'm going to have to make a statement like other giveaways I've seen on blogs that I am not responsible for lost mail.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Blog Tour Review: Team Player 2 Anthology


Book info:
TitleTeam Player 2 Anthology
Genre: Contemporary sports romance
Release Date:  September 23rd, 2019
Cover Designer:  Letitia Hasser, RBA Designs
Source:  E-galley from Candi Kane PR which did not influence my opinion
My rating:  4.5 stars

Our love of hot jocks is never-ending.

Muscular football players. Passionate tennis pros. Sexy soccer stars. All sorts of alpha hotties, on the field and off.

Have no fear! The team is back again, and this's thicker. You'll get your sports romance fix with brand-new stories from eleven bestselling authors.

Need one last summer fix? Dive into this anthology.

*This anthology contains original, never-before-seen stories by the following authors: Mandi Beck, Ella Fox, Teagan Hunter, Ilsa Madden-Mills, Sara Ney, Rochelle Paige, Meghan Quinn, Charleigh Rose, Kennedy Ryan, Emma Scott, and Kate Stewart. We still aren’t responsible for melted devices.

Stories Included: Arena Lights by Mandi Beck End Goal by Ella Fox A Slice of Love by Teagan Hunter Dear Ava by Ilsa Madden-Mills The Teaching Hours by Sara Ney Body Heat by Rochelle Paige The Strike Out by Meghan Quinn Guys Like You by Charleigh Rose Fast Break by Kennedy Ryan Love Game by Emma Scott Fair Catch by Kate Stewart
AVAILABLE NOW!! FREE in Kindle Unlimited!  


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My Review:
As with the first anthology, I wasn't able to read every single story, so my review will be related just to the ones I was able to read. I did start out thinking I'd be able to read them all, but ran out of time, and so ended up just skipping a few to get to the authors I know and love.

First was The Guy in the Middle by Kate Stewart, and it started off really good, basically an enemies to more type of story, but then, a cliffhanger?  And I need to know about Harper and Lance, that ending!  Guess I'll be waiting for her to put out the rest of the story at some point.

Next was Arena Lights by Mandi Beck, but I didn't get to finish it before I jumped on to a different story. However, it was definitely good, and I'll be going back to finish it when I get the chance!

I jumped ahead to The Teaching Hours by Sara Ney, because I love that series, and I have really wanted to see Rex Gunderson get his own story, and here it is.  Well, I loved it.  I know Rex was a PIA, but in the end, couldn't help but want him to get his own chance.  And love his term, "funcle"-fun uncle.  How do I make a term like that for me being the fun auntie?

After that I read Holt's Story by Meghan Quinn, which I was loving, until she ended with a cliffhanger as well!  Fortunately compared to the first cliffhanger story, this one at least was a sorta happy for now ending, so I can be patient for the conclusion to Holt's story at some point.

Finally I started the story by Ilsa Madden-Mills, Dear Ava, and if I hadn't had to go to bed for work today, a day I have to work both jobs, I might have stayed up until I finished it.  It was emotional and definitely a page-turner.

Definitely going to be highly recommending this one!


About Charleigh Rose: Charleigh Rose lives in Narnia with her husband and two young children. She's hopelessly devoted to unconventional love and pizza. When she isn't reading or mom-ing, she's writing moody, broody, swoony romance.

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About Ella Fox: USA Today Bestselling Author Ella Fox has learned a bunch of stuff along the way but the most important of all those things is that anything is possible when you try. In 2012 she took a big leap of faith and published her first book, Broken Hart. Since then she’s written fifteen more full-length books and several novellas– and every one is a reminder that you can live your dream as long as you work for it.

Ella’s favorite things are music, movies, traveling, The Foo Fighters and, of course, reading. This isn’t a surprise considering the fact that her mom is USA Today Bestselling Author Suzanne Halliday.

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About Emma Scott: Emma Scott is a bestselling author of emotional, character-driven romances in which art and love intertwine to heal, and in which love always wins. If you enjoy emotionally-charged stories that rip your heart out and put it back together again, with diverse characters and kind-hearted heroes, you will enjoy her novels. 

A Five-Minute Life (standalone)  
Bring Down the Stars (Beautiful Hearts #1) 
Long Live the Beautiful Hearts (Beautiful Hearts #2)
COMING SOON Someday, Someday (M/M standalone) 

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About Ilsa Madden-Mills: Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and USA Today best-selling author Ilsa Madden-Mills is best known for her contemporary romances ranging from new adult angst to romantic sports comedy. 

A former high school English teacher, she adores all things Pride and Prejudice, and of course, Mr. Darcy is her ultimate hero.

She's addicted to frothy coffee beverages, cheesy magnets, and any book featuring unicorns and sword-wielding females. Feel free to stalk her online.

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Join her online bookclub on FB today!
About Kate Stewart: A Texas native, Kate Stewart lives in North Carolina with her husband, Nick, and her naughty beagle, Sadie. She pens messy, sexy, angst-filled contemporary romance as well as romantic comedy and erotic suspense because it's what she loves as a reader. Kate is a lover of all things '80s and '90s, especially John Hughes films and rap. She dabbles a little in photography, can knit a simple stitch scarf for necessity, and on occasion, does very well at whiskey.

Contact Kate-

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About Kennedy Ryan: A RITA® Award Winner and Top 25 Amazon Bestseller, Kennedy Ryan writes for women from all walks of life, empowering them and placing them firmly at the center of each story and in charge of their own destinies. Her heroes respect, cherish and lose their minds for the women who capture their hearts.

She is a wife to her lifetime lover and mother to an extraordinary son. She has always leveraged her journalism background to write for charity and non-profit organizations, but enjoys writing to raise Autism awareness most. A contributor for Modern Mom Magazine, Kennedy’s writings have appeared in Chicken Soup for the Soul, USA Today and many others. The founder and executive director of a foundation serving Atlanta families living with Autism, she has appeared on Headline News, Montel Williams, NPR and other media outlets as an advocate for families living with autism.

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About Mandi Beck: Mandi Beck has been an avid reader all of her life. A deep love for books always had her jotting down little stories on napkins, notebooks, and her hand. As an adult she was further submerged into the book world through book clubs and the epicness of social media. It was then that she graduated to writing her stories on her phone and then finally on a proper computer.
A wife, mother to two rambunctious and somewhat rotten boys, and stepmom to two great girls away at college, she shares her time with her husband in Chicago where she was born and raised. Mandi is a diehard hockey fan and blames the Blackhawks when her deadlines are not met even though her favorite hockey player calls her…mom.

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About Meghan Quinn: USA Today Bestselling Author, wife, adoptive mother, and peanut butter lover. Author of romantic comedies and contemporary romance, Meghan Quinn brings readers the perfect combination of heart, humor, and heat in every book.

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About Rochelle Paige: I absolutely adore reading—always have and always will. When I was growing up, my friends used to tease me when I would trail after them, trying to read and walk at the same time. If I have downtime, odds are you will find me reading or writing.

I am the mother of two wonderful sons who have inspired me to chase my dream of being an author. I want them to learn from me that you can live your dream as long as you are willing to work for it.
When I told my mom that my new year's resolution was to self-publish a book in 2013, she pretty much told me, "About time!" 

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About Sara Ney: Sara Ney is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the How to Date a Douchebag series, and is best known for her sexy, laugh-out-loud New Adult romances. Among her favorite vices, she includes: iced latte's, historical architecture and well-placed sarcasm. She lives in the Midwest, collects vintage books, art, loves flea markets, and fancies herself British. 

For a list of cities/venues Sara will be signing at, or to purchase signed books, please visit her website at

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About Teagan Hunter: I’m a Missouri-raised gal, but currently live in North Carolina with my US Marine husband and 9-year-old dog. I spend my days begging him for a cat, and I survive off coffee, pizza, and sarcasm. When I'm not writing, you can find me binge-watching various TV shows, especially Supernatural and One Tree Hill. I like cold weather, buy more paperbacks than I'll ever read, and I never say no to brownies.

Writing is my passion, and this is just the beginning of my journey.

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