Book info:
Title: One Queen of an Ending
Author: Zachary Ryan
Series: The High School Queens Trilogy #3
Published by: Kingston Publishing Company
Publication date: August 26th 2019
Genres: Contemporary, Young Adult
It’s time to say goodbye to our Johnson Prep favorites before they all head off to college.
After the gossip-worthy events of graduation and the shocking death of one of their classmates, it seems The Queen of Queens wants to give Danielle, Bethany, Calvin, Tucker, and Aman one last hurrah.
Will everything have a happy ending, or will one of our favorites end up 6 feet under? How will the war end with the salacious arrival of returning students, Andrew and Jasmine? They all had one lesson left to learn: Just because high school is over, doesn’t mean the high school drama ends. They’re all about to take their curtain call, but will it end as a comedy or a tragedy?
Discover this sultry and thrilling end to the High School Queens Series.
Author Interview:
1. What does your writing
process look like? Do you know the whole story when you start? Or do you
just start writing and go with it (seat of the pants writing)? If you
plan it out, how do you do that? Outline, notecards, post-it-notes, etc.? With
this being a series, did you know exactly how it would all go ahead of time?
I usually being with a beginning
then have the ending. I let the characters kind of take me on a journey. I
think that’s exciting about my novels, and I love how organic they feel when I
don’t even know sometimes where the novel takes me. I use a giant corkboard
with what I have goals for the characters and chapter by chapter what I would
2. Do you edit as you go,
or wait till you're finished before you edit? How many times would
you say you go over it yourself before having another set of eyes look it
usually wait till the end to edit it. I’ll go through it on my laptop. Then
I’ll print it out. Then my friend/editor Erika will go through it to make sure
I’m not missing it. Then I’ll go through it one last time before I send to my
publishers who then also go through it twice. So, I would say it’s about 5-6
times it gets edited.
3. Are you part of a writers
group that gets together and helps each other with their writing?
honestly do everything solo. I think for me that I need to be solo. I’ll help
people if they have questions, but I don’t think writer’s groups are helpful. I
think everyone’s competitive, and they aren’t going to be fully helpful with
good intentions, I feel like.
4. What tips do you have for
aspiring writers?
5. What are your
Books/authors/genres Book Fan Girl
by Rainbow Rodwell. Favorite Author: John Green. Favorite Genres: YA, Coming
of Age.
Movies/TV Shows: Perks of Being a
Wallflower. Greek.
Music Lana Del Rey and Kelly
Food/Writing snack My food and snack
changes all the time. Right now it’s Margarita Pizza and Sprite.
Author Bio:
Zachary Ryan grew up in a black-and-white box in Maryland, before moving to Chicago to start a new life. There, he found that he was accepted for his misfit status--and learned that it's perfectly normal to spend your twenties feeling lost and confused.
After a disastrous sexual encounter, Ryan stumbled on a group of true friends, or "soul cluster," that he connected with. Through his writing, he hopes to help other broken souls out there find comfort amid the chaos.