So, I'm participating once again in this,
this challenge which is being sponsored by Evie @ Bookish. I did finish all my goal last year by May, but I was bad about linking up my reviews. I've got to go find out if I can link up those I didn't do earlier for this final month. But anyway, I'm going to stay with the same level this year. Seeing as how I probably have at least as many books left on my TBR list as I did when I joined last year, plus at least 10 or more from BEA. My goal this year is to read between 11-20 books between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013. The books have to have been published in 2012 or before, can't be any new books or else they don't count in cleaning out the TBR pile!! There are 5 different levels, you can go up at any time, but you can't go down, and I've chosen the 2nd level this time. You can list your books in this post if you want. I'm going to do like last year though, and just mention in the actual review that they are part of this challenge, as well as coming back and adding them to this post later. Which reminds me that I need to go add two more to the original post last year. There are cool contests and giveaways each month, which as I mentioned earlier, I didn't do so well with last year. I'm going to do better in 2013 though!
To find out more go to the link for Evie above and sign up!