This is another strip cover book I picked up a long time ago. I grabbed it because of a made for tv movie on either lifetime or some other women's tv channel by the same title, that starred Charisma Carpenter, who played Cordelia on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Never actually watched the whole movie. And never could quite get into the book.
But, with my goal to get through all these books I have before I buy any new ones, I went ahead and chose this as my latest chick lit book. And once I gave it a chance, it was a REALLY good read. I should have done more page marking for ALL the good stuff in it, but didn't. So I won't leave you with any quotes. One main thing I didn't like is that the main character smoked, and lost guys because of it. So right there I had a non-connection, probably part of what kept me from getting into it right away. But I do highly recommend the book. Doubt I'll read it again, so since it is a strip cover, I'll go ahead and toss it for now. But I may add Melissa Senate to my list of authors to check for other books by when I have time at the store.