Thursday, May 31, 2018

Cover Reveal: It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time by Kylie Scott

We are thrilled to bring you the cover for the next standalone from New York Times and USA Today best-selling author Kylie Scott.



"Addictive like all Kylie Scott books, you'll swoon, laugh, ache, put your life on hold, and compulsively read until the wee hours of the night—only to reread the whole thing the next morning. Perfection!" - Katy Evans, New York Times bestselling author 

Returning home for her father’s wedding was never going to be easy for Adele. If being sent away at eighteen hadn’t been bad enough, the mess she left behind when she made a pass at her dad’s business partner sure was. 

Fifteen years older than her, Pete had been her crush for as long as she could remember. But she’d misread the situation—confusing friendliness for undying love. Awkward. Add her father to the misunderstanding, and Pete was left with a broken nose and a business on the edge of ruin. The man had to be just as glad as everyone else when she left town. 

Seven years later, things are different. Adele is no longer a kid, but a fully grown adult more than capable of getting through the wedding and being polite. But all it takes is seeing him again to bring back those old feelings. 

Sometimes first loves are the truest.



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About the Author:
Kylie is a New York Times and USA Today best-selling author. She was voted Australian Romance Writer of the year, 2013 and 2014, by the Australian Romance Writer’s Association and her books have been translated into eleven different languages. She is a long time fan of romance, rock music, and B-grade horror films. Based in Queensland, Australia with her two children and husband, she reads, writes and never dithers around on the internet. You can learn more about Kylie from   

Blog Tour: Rough Edge by CD Reiss


“This series grips you by the throat and refuses to let go—and you’ll be begging for more the entire time.” Sierra Simone, USA Today Bestselling Author


"𝑼𝒏𝒛𝒊𝒑 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝑰 𝒔𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒊𝒕."

You married a decent man.

A rock solid, arrogant war hero who knew exactly who he was and what he wanted. He wanted you, and you gave yourself to him.

You are his only desire--the only woman in his orbit--but the intensity of that desire is turning dangerous.

Love may be the death of both of you.

NY Times Bestselling author CD Reiss brings dark intensity to a couple so in love, they'll make the darkest of sacrifices to save each other. 


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In the dark, during the fundraising video, she leaned into me, taking my hand. 

“What’s going on?”


“Caden.” My name was more than a statement. It was a comment on how well she knew the animal, and how well she loved it.  

If eyes could listen, hers did, gazing at me in the darkness. I couldn’t lie to her for much longer.  

The entire invite list was watching the video. The bar was empty. The hallway lights were dimmed. The kitchen staff moved constantly and quietly to set up the buffet.  

I laced my fingers in hers. She had a gold band we’d gotten out of expediency. No big sparkling rock. No sign I’d ever courted her properly before marrying her.  

My father always said a man didn’t skip steps if he wanted to do something once. 

I slid my cheek to hers and whispered in her ear, “I want to destroy you.”  

Her hand tightened in mine so tightly I could feel our bones. Her glands must have fired, because the apples and the perfume melded and became something so uniquely her my balls ached—but not for simple release. For something more. An agreement of ownership.  

Waiting wasn’t an option.  

Pulling her by the hand, I headed for the hallway.  

“Caden,” she said when we were away from the event, “slow down.”  

I didn’t. I couldn’t. I pulled her down the carpeted steps to the lower level, stepping over a velvet rope at the bottom. The lights were out in the hall. Three doors led to three empty event rooms.  

“What’s with you lately?” she asked.

“Are you saying no?”

“I’m asking a question.”  

I backed into one of the rooms and pulled her in. It was dark but for light coming from under the doorways on each side. I walked in deeper, eyes adjusting quickly enough to avoid the tables and stacks of chairs on wheeled dollies.  

“So am I.” I faced her. “Are you saying no?”  

“What are you hoping I’ll say yes to?”  

“I’m going to pull that dress up until I can get to these hard nipples.” I pinched them through the dress and she gasped. “Then I’ll bend you over one of these tables and fuck you so hard walking’s going to hurt. Are you saying no?”  

“I’m not. But I want to know what’s going on with you.”

“Pull your dress up before I shred it.”

About the Author:
CD Reiss is a New York Times bestseller. She still has to chop wood and carry water, which was buried in the fine print. Her lawyer is working it out with God but in the meantime, if you call and she doesn't pick up she's at the well hauling buckets.  

Born in New York City, she moved to Hollywood, California to get her master's degree in screenwriting from USC. In case you want to know, that went nowhere but it did give her a big enough ego to write novels.  

She's frequently referred to as the Shakespeare of Smut which is flattering but hasn't ever gotten her out of chopping that cord of wood.  

If you meet her in person, you should call her Christine.

Connect with CD Reiss:

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Release Blitz with Giveaway: Dating Rules by Keeley Holmes

Book info:
Title:  Dating Rules
Author:  Keeley Holmes
Publication date: May 29th, 2018
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Romance
 Losing control is not an option for Izzy Shaw, something past experience has taught her. When you’re not in control, bad things happen. So when Parker Cole comes bustling into her life with his carefree manner, no full time job and his terrible Hawaiian shirts, she knows she should stay away.
For Parker, seeing Izzy at Penelope’s wedding stirred something in him. Izzy intrigues him. She’s attracted to him but she holds back and she doesn’t realise he sees this as a challenge. Usually when he wants something, he goes for it.
For Izzy, being attracted to a man and allowing herself to act upon it is defined by her rules. She lives by her rules, they protect her…
Parker is a rule breaker.
Over the course of 10 dates Parker has to persuade Izzy that he’s worth the risk, he has to persuade her that sometimes life doesn’t have to be all about rules, sometimes you have to walk on the edge to really appreciate living…
He will prove this to her, one date at a time.

Author Bio:
I've loved reading and writing since before I can remember. It's always been a passion of mine to write for people and for them to enjoy my work.

I'm currently writing my way through an adult series and thinking about what I can do for the Young Adult/New Adult scene. There's always ideas floating around in my head.

When I'm not writing I'm reading or watching films and enjoying time with my boyfriend, little dog and family.



Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Blog Tour Review: All Night Long (Man of the Month #9) by J. Kenner


All Night Long, an all-new sexy standalone by #1 New York Times bestselling author J. Kenner, is LIVE!

Book Info:
TitleAll Night Long
Author:  J. Kenner
Genre:  Adult contemporary romance
Release Date:  May 29th, 2018
Source:  E-galley from Social Butterfly PR, gifting of which did not affect my opinion
My rating:  4 stars 
I wear designer suits on my body by day and gorgeous women on my arm at night. Some might call me arrogant, with my chiseled jaw and my dark blue eyes. Add in my money and I can get any woman I want.

Now, I want her.

The night I spent with Selma has lived in my most erotic dreams. And ever since she swept back into my life, with her flashing eyes and delicious body, I want nothing more than to make sultry new memories.

But with an election coming up, and an office I want to fill, it isn’t the right time to get involved with a free-spirited girl with a wild streak. A girl who doesn’t abide by the rules. A girl who could get me noticed in all the wrong ways.

A girl who makes me crazy … in all the right ones.

Now I’m going to have to decide: Walk the straight and narrow? Or have the hottest, wildest affair of my life with the sexiest woman I’ve ever known?

**All Night Long is part of a binge read series by New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Publishers Weekly, and #1 International bestselling author of the million copy Stark series, J. Kenner.

Each book in the series is a STANDALONE novel with NO cliffhanger and a guaranteed HEA!


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My Review:

As with all the other books I've read in this series so far, this was a very quick and easy read.  I was excited because our heroine, Selma, was going to go to Scotland. But I was a little unsure how that would work with the whole Man of the Month contest at the bar and the rest of the cast of this series.  In the end I had nothing to worry about, as the author ended up keeping the story going right where we wanted it to be.  The passion was very hot in this story, I loved how it got started right away.  While Easton started out as a little bit stuffy and I was a little shocked that he was going to be so easily able to resist. But then, when he gave in, it was perfect.  I like that the whole relationship went smoothly, for the most part, even though they had to keep it on the down-low because of the fact that Easton was planning to run for an elected position as a judge.  

I could tell though that wasn't really what he wanted to do.  And it was obvious that Selma didn't really want to sell her company since she kept putting all the caveats on the contract she was trying to push through with the buyers.  Finally, I loved the way that Easton decided to do his groveling.  It was perfect for the series.  I look forward to Matthew's story next I believe!

Also, because this song kept going through my head every time I thought about the title to this one, I'll share the video of the earworm that this title infected me with.   


Start the Series of Standalones Today!

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About J. Kenner

J. Kenner (aka Julie Kenner) is the New York Times, USA Today, Publishers Weekly, Wall Street Journal and #1 International bestselling author of over seventy novels, novellas and short stories in a variety of genres. Though known primarily for her award-winning and international bestselling erotic romances (including the Stark and Most Wanted series) that have reached as high as #2 on the New York Times bestseller list, JK has been writing full time for over a decade in a variety of genres including paranormal and contemporary romance, “chicklit” suspense, urban fantasy, and paranormal mommy lit. JK has been praised by Publishers Weekly as an author with a “flair for dialogue and eccentric characterizations” and by RT Bookclub for having “cornered the market on sinfully attractive, dominant antiheroes and the women who swoon for them.” A five time finalist for Romance Writers of America’s prestigious RITA award, JK took home the first RITA trophy awarded in the category of erotic romance in 2014 for her novel, Claim Me (book 2 of her Stark Trilogy). Her Demon Hunting Soccer Mom series (as Julie Kenner) is currently in development with AwesomenessTV/Awestruck. Her books have sold over three million copies and are published in over twenty languages. In her previous career as an attorney, JK worked as a clerk on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, and practiced primarily civil, entertainment and First Amendment litigation in Los Angeles and Irvine, California, as well as in Austin, Texas. She currently lives in Central Texas, with her husband, two daughters, and two rather spastic cats.

Connect with Julie:


Monday, May 28, 2018

YA Review: Aftermath by Kelley Armstrong

Book info:
Author:  Kelley Armstrong
Genre:  YA contemporary thriller
Release Date:  May 22nd, 2018
Publisher:  Crown Books for Young Readers - Random House Children's Books
Source:  Physical ARC from publisher which had no influence on my opinion
My rating:  5 stars

Three years after losing her brother Luka in a school shooting, Skye Gilchrist is moving home. But there's no sympathy for Skye and her family because Luka wasn't a victim; he was a shooter. 

Jesse Mandal knows all too well that the scars of the past don't heal easily. The shooting cost Jesse his brother and his best friend--Skye. 

Ripped apart by tragedy, Jesse and Skye can't resist reopening the mysteries of their past. But old wounds hide darker secrets. And the closer Skye and Jesse get to the truth of what happened that day, the closer they get to a new killer.

My Review:
Once again Armstrong has proven to me that she is an expert at writing a page-turner in any genre.  Personally I've only read her young adult books, but I've yet to find one that wasn't a winner.  This one is another 5 star read for me.  While the main subject of the story has to do with a school shooting, that isn't what the story is.  We got parts of the story from both Skye and Jesse's viewpoints, although only Skye's chapters were told in first person, Jesses's chapters were third person, and there were not as many chapters for him.  Both of them did the usual misunderstanding of the other's signals and reactions.  But when you got the story of the night that Jesse went by Skye's house right after the shooting, you really understood what Skye had been thinking, even if it had been a misunderstanding.  

The way the author set the story up, you are definitely given lots of clues and hints, but still kept guessing the entire way.  I like that.  Even though I get pretty turned around, I like being kept on my toes as I read, and not being able to figure it out right away.  I like that even though you get the bullies like you'd expect, and the people who are still really upset, totally understandably, from losing family in the school shooting, you also get people who understand that it wasn't the sister's fault.  I like that there were some points that are similar to real-life incidents.  The boy who came out of the bathroom with the gun, but as far as anyone knew he may not have actually shot anyone. And what if they'd been able to get help to her brother before he died, maybe a lot of the information about the reasons behind the shooting would have been found out.  I like that it is pointed out how sometimes the kids who are really talked about after a shooting tend to be the sports hero, the popular kid, and maybe, just maybe, they weren't as great of people as they are made out to be. Maybe they had their own problems. But maybe even with those problems, there is a point where it is realized that in that situation, everyone is human, and scared, and you must overlook what they may or may not have done.  

Really I liked the characters, the good guys, the bad guys, the bullies, and the adults.    This book was not really on my radar until the publisher reached out to me, but just like with the last book I read by Armstrong, I know I've got to make sure it is available for the students at my high school.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Giveaway: Audio Code for Wait With Me by Amy Daws

So if you've been following my blog for awhile, you know how much I love all books I've read by Amy Daws, including her internet sensation Wait With Me.  If you don't remember, then you can go check out my review HERE.

Check out the rom-com that everyone was buzzing about last month that features a romance novelist writing in a tire shop. Narrating by the incredible Erin Mallon and Teddy Hamilton, this is an audiobook that's worth the credit! 

But you might not have to use one! I have an audiobook to giveaway! For a chance to win, just fill out the rafflecopter below, tell us what you think of the sample, and pass this post along to your friends! 

That's it! 

Listen to Sample Here-->

❤ ❤ ❤ 


Saturday, May 26, 2018

Release Blitz - Cocktales: The Cocky Collective


Cocktales, a limited-release anthology of original, never before published material, from some of your favorite bestselling authors is available now!

cocky-final (2).jpg

Each story was specifically written for this anthology.

The goal of the Cocktales Anthology is to raise funds to fight against obstruction of creative expression. Specifically, what we believe are obstruction attempts through the trademarking of common (single) words for titicular use in books / or as a book series (eBooks, print, and audio).

Cocktales will only be available May 26th-August 26th. 


Download your copy today:
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Contributing Authors Include:
Nana Malone, USA Today Bestselling author – Foreword
Dylan Allen – 'Cocked and Loaded'
Jana Aston, NYT, WSJ, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Double Cocked'
Whitney Barbetti – 'Cocksure Grin'
Author Sawyer Bennett, NYT, WSJ, USA Today Bestselling author – 'A Wicked, Cocky Plan'
K.f. Breene, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Magical Cock and Bull'
Ruth Clampett, Amazon top 20 Bestselling Author – 'Don’t Get Cocky'
L.H. Cosway, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Illusionist Seeks Neanderthal'
Mariah Dietz – 'Landmines'
Amy Daws, Amazon Top 25 Bestselling author – 'Cock and Balls'
BB Easton, Amazon Top 100 Bestselling author – 'Cocky BB: Two Boys, One Prom.'
Jaymin Eve, USA Today Bestselling author – 'The Cockier the Dragon, the Harder They Fall'
Emma Hart, NYT and USA Today Bestselling author – 'Tricky Bond'
Staci Hart, Amazon Top 10 Bestselling author – 'Cockamamie'
Jessica Hawkins, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Cocky Couture'
Julie Johnson Amazon Top 100 Bestselling author – 'Culinary Cock-Up'
Karpov Kinrade, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Crimson Cocktail'
Adriana Locke, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Swag'
Lex Martin, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Love & Hate at the Stallion Station'
Aly Martinez, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Going Down'
Katyi McGee - USA Today Bestselling author – 'Cocksure Co-Star'
Corinne Michaels, NYT, WSJ, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Cockblocked'
Liv Morris, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Getting It Up'
Red Phoenix, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Her Cocky Russian'
Daisy Prescott, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Confessions of a Cockblocked Wingman'
Jessica Prince – ‘A Cocky Corruption Engagement’
Meghan Quinn, Amazon Top 20 Bestselling Author – 'Fight or Flight'
CD Reiss, NYT and USA Today Bestselling author – 'Cocky Capo'
Penny Reid, WSJ and USA Today Bestselling author – 'Beard and Hen'
Julie Richman, USA Today Bestselling author – 'The Color of Love'
Aleatha Romig, NYT, WSJ, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Aligned'
Kennedy Ryan, Top 40 Amazon Bestselling author – 'All'
Kylie Scott, NYT, WSJ, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Short Story with Mal and Anne from The Stage Dive Series'
Sierra Simone, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Until the Cock Crows'
Tara Sivec, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Chocolate and Cockup'
Kate Stewart, Amazon Top 30 Bestselling author – 'The Golden Sombrero'
Leia Stone, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Cocky Alpha'
Karla Sorensen – 'Tristan & Anna: A Bachelors of the Ridge short story'
Rachel Van Dyken, NYT, WSJ, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Cocky Mafia'
April White, Amazon Top 100 Bestselling author – 'Code of Conduct'
*ALL* net profits will be donated to:
Authors already impacted by creative-obstruction (10%), and Romance Writers of America (RWA) (90%) as a general donation intended for their Advocacy Fund.   

 *Disclaimer: This anthology is not being conducted on behalf of RWA, nor does RWA endorse this anthology or effort. They have, however, graciously agreed to accept the funds.   

For more information, visit:

Friday, May 25, 2018

Book Blitz with Giveaway: Your Rhythm (Sherbrooke Station #1) by Katia Rose

Book info:
Title:  Your Rhythm
Author:  Katia Rose
Series:  Sherbrooke Station #1
Publication date: May 24th, 2018
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance
You know what they say: save a snare, bang a drummer.
Kay Fischer is well aware of what they say, and she intends to ignore it completely.
After her first step into the world of music journalism ended with a screw-up so royal it deserved a crown, Kay’s been struggling to re-stack the building blocks of her career. Salvation comes in the form of Sherbrooke Station, the latest alt-rock craze to grace Montreal’s legendary music scene.
A front page feature on the band everyone’s talking about seems like a foolproof shot at success, even after Kay meets their drummer. Matt Pearson might have a smile sexy enough to be the eighth deadly sin and a passion for music so powerful it makes her heart ache, but Kay’s got things under control.
She’s a professional, goddammit, and a professional would not get tongue-tied over a source, even a source who’s a six-foot, tattooed rock god with an affinity for tight jeans.
A professional would not find herself opening her door at an hour long past midnight to pull said source inside and lead him to her bed.
No, that’s not at all what a professional would do.

Matt’s still propped against the edge of the bar when I reach him. The crowd is thinner over here and I get a good look at him from a few feet away: sandy undercut hair and an angular face, softened by full lips and just the right amount of stubble. He’s got the perfect features to pull off his eyebrow piercing, and while they’re currently covered by a navy blue coat, all my internet stalking has proved he’s got the perfect arms to pull off the collection of tattoos on both.

Eric the Surfer might have been hot in a general sense, but Matt Pearson is one hundred percent my type.

Did I just admit someone in Sherbrooke Station is my type?

“Hey,” I call sharply, hoping I can help myself deny that little revelation by acting annoyed with him. “Giving up that easy?”

He gives me a cautious glance and then shifts his eyes from side to side, like he’s making sure I’m really talking to him.

“On looking for me,” I elaborate. “I’m Kay Fischer.”

Now his dark eyes travel up and down the length of me in a completely unapologetic stare. He smirks when they reach mine again.

Author Bio:
Katia Rose is not much of a Pina Colada person, but she does like getting caught in the rain. She prefers her romance served steamy with a side of smart, and is a sucker for quirky characters. A habit of jetting off to distant countries means she’s rarely in one place for very long, but she calls the frigid northland that is Canada home.



Cover Reveal: Blizzard (BearPaw Resort #2) by Cambria Hebert

Book info:
Title:  Blizzard
Author:  Cambria Hebert
Series: BearPaw Resort #2
Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense, Thriller
An arctic blast is coming…
Fleeing to the wintry town of Caribou was always meant to be temporary,
BearPaw Resort just a place to hide.
Never in a million years did I expect that running back to the past
would bring me face to face with my future.
But it did, and now everyone I love is in danger.
I’ve already escaped death three times, and I know my luck is running out.
I’m left looking over my shoulder, watching and waiting,
knowing they’re coming
But when?
Hiding is impossible when the mob wants you erased,
and I love Liam far too much to try to disappear.
The more time I spend with him, the more I realize how much he needs me.
A darkness lurks inside him, and the colder it gets, the more I see it in his eyes.
So here I am, more afraid than ever before.
Giving up isn’t an option. Giving in will get us killed.
A blizzard is brewing on our mountain,
more frigid than anything we’ve ever felt.
With everything we ever wanted at stake, the only option is to fight.
When life turns arctic…
Who will survive the blast?

Book 1 in the series:

Author Bio:
Cambria Hebert is an award winning, bestselling novelist of more than twenty books. She went to college for a bachelor’s degree, couldn’t pick a major, and ended up with a degree in cosmetology. So rest assured her characters will always have good hair.
Besides writing, Cambria loves a caramel latte, staying up late, sleeping in, and watching movies. She considers math human torture and has an irrational fear of chickens (yes, chickens). You can often find her running on the treadmill (she’d rather be eating a donut), painting her toenails (because she bites her fingernails), or walking her chorkie (the real boss of the house).
Cambria has written within the young adult and new adult genres, penning many paranormal and contemporary titles. Her favorite genre to read and write is romantic suspense. A few of her most recognized titles are: The Hashtag Series, Text, Torch, and Tattoo.
Cambria Hebert owns and operates Cambria Hebert Books, LLC.


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Review: My So-Called Bollywood Life by Nisha Sharma

Book info:
TitleMy So-Called Bollywood Life
Author:  Nisha Sharma
Genre:  YA Contemporary
Release Date:  May 15th, 2018
Publisher:  Crown BFYR
Source:  Physical ARC from publisher which did not affect my opinion in any way
My rating:  5 stars

The romance of Stephanie Perkins meets the quirk of Maureen Johnson, then gets a Bollywood twist in MY SO-CALLED BOLLYWOOD LIFE by Nisha Sharma, a fate-filled YA debut that takes the future into its own hands.


Winnie Mehta was never really convinced that Raj was her soulmate, but their love was written in the stars. Literally, a pandit predicted Winnie would find the love of her life before her 18th birthday, and Raj meets all of the qualifications. Which is why Winnie is shocked to return from her summer at film camp to find her boyfriend of three years hooking up with Jenny Dickens. Worse, Raj is crowned chair of the student film festival, a spot Winnie was counting on for her film school applications. As a self-proclaimed Bollywood expert, Winnie knows this is not how her perfect ending is scripted.

Then there’s Dev, a fellow film geek, and one of the few people Winnie can count on to help her reclaim control of her story. Dev is smart charming, and challenges Winnie to look beyond her horoscope to find someone she’d pick for herself. But does falling for Dev mean giving up on her prophecy, and her chance to live happily ever after? To get her Bollywood-like life on track, Winnie will need a little bit of help from fate, family, and of course, a Bollywood movie star. 

Like an expertly choreographed Bollywood dance scene, Nisha Sharma’s off-beat love story dazzles in the lime light.

My Review:
For a YA contemporary to get 5 stars from me,  I have to totally connect with a character in that I see myself in them.  Or it has to have a topic that really is serious and gets me emotional, like an eating disorder or suicide, etc., which again are things that I feel a personal connection to due to my own personal life.  So, you'd think a book about an Indian girl, in a film school, who loves Bollywood movies, would probably not be something easy for me to find a connection to.  And in a way, you're right.  But, despite the lack of a personal connection for me in that way, I loved this book.  Why did I love this book? Because the characters were perfect!  And in a way, there were a few, tiny, minuscule personal connections, but those are beside the point.  

I loved Winnie, her determination, and honestly, I guess her utter obsession with her Bollywood films and how her life could relate to them does speak to me a little in how I reference things in my every day life to movies and tv shows I've watched, as well as books I've read.  

I was reading a book with a similar theme, ex-boyfriend trying to get girl back, at the same time.  And while in that other book, Airports, Exes, and Other Things I'm Over, I was rooting for the ex-boyfriend, in this one, I just was unsure. While there was the whole prediction thing, Raj didn't sit right with me as who she should end up with.  I was rooting for Dev almost the whole time.  

In the end, probably what bumped this book up from the 4.5 star rating I was planning to the full 5 stars was the way that it totally finished up just like an 80s movie would.  And as I am such a huge fan of 80s movies, I do kind of relate them to my life in ways that are similar to Winnie and her Bollywood movies, that made me smile and want to put my hand in the air like Judd Nelson at the end of The Breakfast Club with the song "Don't You Forget About Me" by Simple Minds.  

Instead, with my pretty embarrassing lack of knowledge of any actual Bollywood movies or songs, other than what I have learned from Raj on The Big Bang Theory, I will leave you with the song that was stuck in my head whenever I put this book down, a song and dance number from TBBT.


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Blog Tour Review: One Baby Daddy (Dating by the Numbers #3) by Meghan Quinn


Book Review:
TitleOne Baby Daddy
Author:  Meghan Quinn
Series:  Dating by the Numbers #3
Genre:  Adult Romantic Comedy
Release Date:  May 17th, 2018
Source:  E-galley gifted from InkSlingerPR did not affect my opinion in any way
My rating:  4 stars 

"What are you doing now that your team is out of the running for the Stanley Cup?" 


I need to forget. I need an escape. 

Only one person isn't falling for my reputation as the NHL's Golden Boy; she captured my attention the minute she called me out for snooping through my best friend's house. She didn't want to hear my reason--she only wanted to playfully give me a hard time. 

Adalyn is bold, sassy--and the perfect escape. 

She's everywhere. In town and in my dreams, and suddenly I need to spend every waking moment with her. 

And I do, making this summer the best off-season I've ever had. 

But in the midst of getting lost in Adalyn, what I don't expect is to get her pregnant. 

And what I definitely don't expect is having to fight for her affection. 


“Would you mind zipping up the back of my dress?” She walks toward me, her flowery scent floating in my direction, spiking my yearning into overdrive.

“Uh, yeah . . . sure.”

She turns around, and looks over her shoulder. The back of her dress is completely open, the zipper undone to just above the curve of her beautifully round ass.

Shit, all that smooth, tan skin, covered by nothing but the velvety fabric of the dress. Is she wearing underwear? She’s not wearing a bra and I see no panty line.

Clearing my throat, I ask, “Are you wearing underwear, Adalyn?”

From over her shoulder, she smiles shyly. “Yes, it’s small though.”

Of course it is. Why wouldn’t it be?

Not being able to stop myself, I take a second to float my fingertips up her spine. From the initial touch, her back arches and a small gasp releases from her lips, but before I can think about stopping, she melts into my touch. Stepping closer, I place my hand on the back of her hip, my thumb pressing into her ass while the other hand explores the bare expanse of her back. Her head falls to my shoulder. Her lips part, and when I snake to the front of her dress, her breath hitches.

Eyes closed, I take in ragged breaths, my fingers inching closer and closer to her front, my cock painfully hard.

It’s been so goddamn long—and being with Adalyn has only spurred on my need—but I want to make sure we’re in a good place before we commit to anything. I want to make sure she’s ready emotionally because the minute I bury myself deep inside her, I know there will be no turning back. She will be mine forever.

But maybe for now, I can just have a little touch . . .

My cock pressed against her butt, she expertly grinds her backside into me, her hands moving to my neck, pulling my head down to hers. I kiss the side of her neck, using the hand that’s gripping her hips to guide her with her grinding in just the right place.

Fuck, that feels good.

I grunt, the sound vibrating over her sleek neck. My hand on her stomach, she arches wanting more of my touch, silently asking me to move north.

And I fucking comply. Inch by slow inch, I guide my hand to just below her breasts. When I halt my pursuit, a displeased groan escapes her.

“Hayden, please.”

I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to find the willpower. Her fingernails dig into my scalp, spurring me on as she turns her head and finds my lips.

She kisses me.




Her lips gliding across mine, her tongue diving into my mouth, her moans are vocal and sexy. Her delicious ass, pressing, grinding, undulating against my rock-hard cock makes me want to do so much more, makes me want to taste so much more.

Moving my hand higher, my fingertips graze the bottom of her breast. Soft. Round. Smooth. I caress her right below her nipple, never touching, just teasing . . . tempting.    


My Review:
 Before I get too far into my review and gushing about this book, let me give you links to my first two books in the series:  Three Blind Dates and Two Wedding Crashers.  While book 2 was overall my favorite, this final one has some awesome twists to it, keeping it from being the normal third book in a series exactly, and I loved the way the author wrapped this up. Although, there are a few couples or singles in the story that I would definitely enjoy reading about if they got their own story.  Hint, hint, wink, wink!

At first, I really liked Adalyn because her college past sounded a lot like my own.  But the beginning was a little slow for me, I guess probably because for the  most part, it was just happy being in love stuff.  Obviously there needs to be a little drama for things to keep you going and turning pages as fast as you can, or at least that must be how it works for me.  Anyway, once a big event took place, my love of Adalyn might have taken a bit of a nosedive.  I was very upset that she let her ex-lover/friend Logan cause her to doubt Hayden before he even got a chance to come to her about news he had just received himself!  That made me so angry.  Also, I was so mad at her for thinking that she didn't need to tell Hayden about the baby.  No, that's not a spoiler, it should be obvious from the title that there is a baby involved, along with a baby daddy!  Of course once we got to this point, about two-thirds of the way through the book, I was hooked, could barely put it down.  I needed to be able to stay up and finish it, but could not, thanks to school not being out for the summer yet.  And then towards the end, we got a chapter from Logan's point of view.  I liked that chapter in a way, even though I knew that surely the author couldn't put him and Adalyn back together, it had to be a happy ending for her and Hayden.  Logan is one that I would kind of like to see his own little novella or something for.  Maybe I can ask the author when I get to meet her at Book Bonanza this summer.  

I'm adding Meghan Quinn to my auto-read list, and you should too if you enjoy funny, sexy romance, with characters you'll want as your own friends.


About the Author:
Born in New York and raised in Southern California, Meghan has grown into a sassy, peanut butter eating, blonde haired swearing, animal hoarding lady. She is known to bust out and dance if “It’s Raining Men” starts beating through the air and heaven forbid you get a margarita in her, protect your legs because they may be humped. 

Once she started commuting for an hour and twenty minutes every day to work for three years, she began to have conversations play in her head, real life, deep male voices and dainty lady coos kind of conversations. Perturbed and confused, she decided to either see a therapist about the hot and steamy voices running through her head or start writing them down. She decided to go with the cheaper option and started writing… enter her first novel, Caught Looking

Now you can find the spicy, most definitely on the border of lunacy, kind of crazy lady residing in Colorado with the love of her life and her five, furry four legged children, hiking a trail or hiding behind shelves at grocery stores, wondering what kind of lube the nervous stranger will bring home to his wife. Oh and she loves a good boob squeeze!