Sunday, April 8, 2018

Discussion Post: Book Blogger Woes

Okay, so I'm in my 9th year of blogging, and there are still a few things that I wish I had.  Or things that have changed since I've become a blogger.

1.  So, this past year has been great for me, I finally have some contacts with certain publishers, and over the past few years, I've been getting more and more advanced reader copies even just mailed to me without my requesting them.  So you're probably wondering, why is this a woe for me now? Well, in the past not having those things was sad, and now, well let's say there are still a few publishers that I wish I had a connection with for some specific ARC opportunities.  But I'm working on it, and getting connections and will keep working!  Now, this actually kind of leads into my second blogger woe.


2.  Getting the first in a series advanced reader, but not for the rest of the series.  Really in the past I've gotten the first in a series from either the bookstore I work at, or maybe at a convention like BEA.  And so I never got the sequels because they hadn't been sent to me directly.  But even now, when I get the first in a series, I often don't get the 2nd or others in physical copies.  Especially when it is a publisher that doesn't even print copies of the last books in the series.  Right now I'm DISO a physical copy of Bright We Burn by Kiersten White.  And I finally have a contact with HarperCollins.  She was nice enough to give me the name of the person working on the publicity for the book I want since it isn't her title.  Now I've emailed and fingers are crossed I might get a copy, if I even hear back.  And this even leads into my final book blogger woe for today.


3.  Because of the advanced reader copies, and all the other books I'm reviewing, I don't always get a series finished when the last book comes out.  Often if I don't get a book for review, that final book, I don't always fit it into my reading schedule, and so it might get purchased, but then sits on my TBR shelf.  Believe me, I have a lot of series that I need to finish that final book, but because I didn't read when it first came out, or before it came out, it tends to get shoved below other advanced reader copies, and then I just don't get to it.  And then it sits there, and I'm either not in the mood when I have time to read it, or I'm afraid I don't remember enough from how long ago I finished the last book to just pick the final book up and start reading.


So that's me sending my wishes to the people who might be able to help me solve them.  :-)

Are any of my woes ones that you feel as a book blogger?  What are some woes you have that maybe I didn't share here?  Would love to have you join into my discussion!