Haven't done one of these in awhile, again, school really cuts back on time. Most of these are going to be adult novels, and I believe I'll have one with some more teen later this week.
First is
Stories for Nightime and Some for the Day by Ben Loory. This book's title first caught

my attention. When I picked it up to read the back, I saw that it sounded interesting. The author has created modern day fables. It's an interesting universe with televisions that talk, animals that live in apartments, and other absurd situations. It is one of the Discover Great New Writers picks at Barnes & Noble (the bookstore I work for) this fall.
Next is
The Second Assistant by Clare Naylor. This has actually been on my TBR list for quite

awhile. I think I first saw it as a bargain book at the store, and picked it up, but put it back down. It seems to fall into my chick lit category. The main character is Lizzie, and she has left Washington to work for a law firm in Hollywood. She wants to move up the ladder in Hollywood, and won't let anyone keep her from doing that.
Third is another chick lit book,
The Waitress by Melissa Nathan. This looks pretty humorous.

Main character is Katie, she has all kinds of ideas of what she wants her career to be. But for now, she is as the title says, a waitress. She's kind of waiting for Mr. Perfect to just show up out of the blue, although her dating track record doesn't suggest that any such think should happen. She ruins a chance with the perfect guy on the very first date. But soon he'll come back into her life along with other guys from the past.
Fourth is a book about one of my favorite tv shows: Supernatural. It is called
The Mythology of Supernatural by Nathan Robert Brown. This book will explore the religious aspects, like the angels and demons, as well as the folk tales that many of the creatures and stories are based on.
Fifth is
Sweetly by Jacson Pearce. This is an updated retelling of Hansel and Gretel basica

lly. It sound really great. The main characters are brother and sister Gretchen and Ansel. Gretchen's twin sister was kidnapped by a witch when they were younger, and their stepmother kicks them out when they are teenagers. They find their way to a small southern town where they are invited in by the owner of a sweet shop. It leaves you wondering if this Sophia is the witch, or is there someone else using her to get the children? I love the cover, can you see the witch's face on it?
Sixth is
The Pilo Family Circus by Will Elliott. This is a book for people who are scared of clowns

and enjoy reading books about clowns that really are evil. The cover is creepy enough. The main character is Jamie, who has just been told by a trio of psychotic clowns that he has 2 days to pass an audition to join the circus, whether he wants to or not. This circus is supposedly between heaven and hell and is where many of the world's most horrible things have happened. When Jamie becomes a clown, he becomes JJ, the most vicious clown of all. And JJ wants Jamie dead.
The final book I'm going to talk about is more of an activity book. It is called
Zombigami by Duy

Nguyen, and basically it is an origami book where you make zombies! Very cool. I can see a lot of my students having fun with this book!