Saturday, April 16, 2011

Plague by Michael Grant

This is the fourth book in the Gone series by Michael Grant, which I was introduced to last year when I was a reader selector for the Truman books. This is a really great series, and this last book I think was one of the best ones. The town is still kind of trying to keep going. You've got the "bad" guy Caine, out on the island that was once owned by a Hollywood couple that I guess were modeled on Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. He's living there with Dianna, who decides that she wants to just stay there and try to live as normal a life as possible. They have electricity, a little, they have food, and no one else to eat it all. Sam is leader, but not really. Albert has kind of taken over, he is running all the business and so people now look to him to take care of them. Well, he is finding that they are probably going to run out of fresh water soon, so he sends Sam and Dekka and Jack out to find the water at a lake. While there they find another mutant named Toto who has been alone at the military base all this time. Toto's power is telling if someone is telling the truth or think they are telling the truth at least. This comes in handy when Albert decides to bring Caine back to save them from these horrible bug creatures now out to attack them. The title refers to everyone having flu, but this time is is really bad, some kids cough so hard they cough their insides out. And these bug creatures are hatching out of kids and seem to be indestructible.

You've got all your same old characters, with some kind of new ones. I loved the way you got some hope when they found the lake with the military base and some food, but then Caine and Drake come back, and hope goes away.