The New Year is here - and everyone wants to know your New Years Blogging resolution! What are you going to try to revise, revamp, and re-do on your blog for 2012?
Well, that's a hard one. While I'm considering moving my blog or maybe re-doing the background (adding another dog to the header now that I have a puppy too), the main thing I want to do more of this year is scheduling blogs. I only learned about doing that this past fall. I know, I know, I'm behind. But I plan to use this to make sure that I am blogging once a week for sure. I can get my Waiting on Wednesdays set up ahead so that I know I will always have one once a week. Also, according to NetGalley, some of the publishers want you to wait until about a month before a book's actual release before you post a review. So I can use the scheduling for that, and actually already have one scheduled for a book that doesn't come out until August! So I've already started.
So, what are your resolutions for your blog?