Follow Friday is sponsored by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. And this week the Featured blogger on Parajunkee is ME!! I'm very excited about this, and am looking forward to all the new bloggers I will meet this week! Over on Alison Can Read the featured blogger is Once Upon a Prologue. This week's question is:
If you could change the ending of any book (or series), which book would you choose? Why and to what?
My answer to this might be a little different than what you normally see me blog about. I would have to say the first book I thought of is A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks. It is the first and only one of his books I ever read. I read it because I heard the movie was coming out, and I like to try to read the books before I see the movie. Anyway, if you've read it, or seen the movie, you know what happens at the end. This book was such a feel good book to me. The popular boy has to make up for mistakes he's made and he ends up having to work with the town's nerdiest girl. But as he works with her, he begins to really get to know her, and even fall in love with her. I loved this story, because I always felt in school like I was the nerdiest girl there. But then, it turns out she has cancer, (I think it was cancer, some deadly disease anyway), and she dies! I was so mad. I hated that this book made me feel all good inside and then jerked the rug out from under me. So I refuse to read anymore of his books.
One other book that I wasn't quite pleased with the ending was Delirium by Lauren Oliver. I didn't like that the ending wasn't any more of a happy ending. I know most dystopian novels are not, but I'd would have liked to see it with this one.