It feels like forever since I've blogged! But it's really only been 2 days. Silly me. Part of the reason is that I started re-reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows to get ready for the movie, and so I haven't finished any new books to blog about in a few days. Plus, the egalley I was trying to read was so messed up, words repeated over and over, that I had to give up on it. So this entry is actually going to be a combo of the last two nights of work, and actually some of the ones I'm going to list aren't really ones I want to read, they were just amusing and I wanted to share them. And one of the books I'm not sure if I've posted about, since I just started keeping track of my posts a month ago. So here goes.
First is
Eye of the Moon by Dianne Hofmeyr. I guess this is maybe a reprint, but it was

on the new in paperback shelf in the Children's department at our store, so first time I've seen it. It's historical fiction, about ancient Egypt, one of my favorite time periods. The main character is the daughter of someone who assists at mummifications. When she goes with him to help with the mummification of a queen and her son, she finds the son is not dead, and so she helps him to escape. The prince is Tuthmosis, and they must avoid the High Priests who want to kill him, and find people to help get his throne back to him. Sounds like fun to me!
Second is
Undertakers by Ty Drago. This is the one I feel like I've mentioned before, bu

t am not sure. It is a zombie tale, but for young readers, well, grades 5 or 6 I would say. The main character is Will Ritter, and he must run away from home, where he joins a band of teenagers who call themselves the undertakers because they fight zombies. I think this is a great idea for the kids who have older brothers and sisters or parents who are reading older zombie books, because this can probably be for them. I haven't read yet, so don't know just how scary it is or is not, but it is on my list to read.
Third is what I thought was a really cute kid's picture book, until I got to the last page, and then, I realized, this is not a kid's book. It actually is in the humor section. But, other than the last page, I would LOVE to read this to the kids at the middle school level, or upper elementary. It is called
It's a Book by Lane Smith. According to the author this is a book about a book loving monkey and a tech savvy jackass. And that last word is actually on the last page. I'll try to include a copy of the video that shows basically what the story is, without the controversial last page.
The next book is in the craft section. It is called
Knit Your Own Wedding by Fiona

Goble. And it is basically knitting all the main people in Prince William's wedding to Kate. It includes the Queen and a Corgi dog, and a cardboard background you can set up behind once you've knitted all the patterns. Crazy! But funny!
The last book is called
Creepy-Ass Dolls by Stacey Brooks. This is a book full of pictures of dolls with creepy looks on their faces. Now, I have to admit, I was prepared to open this

up and be creeped out. There are many, many creepy dolls out there. However, most of the pictures in this book were not that creepy to me. Some were, but not all. They have all been given some interesting names and funny little stories, so it is definitely worth a look through for some laughs.