Physical Books Purchased:
I love all things dachshund, and I actually already have a book about Picasso and his dachshund named Lump. But when I saw this one, I of course had to order it into the bookstore where I work and buy it right away. The 2nd one, well, have to get ready for the sequel to Dorothy Must Die!!
I won this book from Once Upon a Twilight blog for their commenter giveaway. Since I have just this one left in the series to read, I'm so glad to own it now! And hey, this just shows it pays to comment on other blogs!
Stripped cover books:
I think I've mentioned how one of the "perks" of working at a bookstore is that paperbacks are often sent back to the publisher, but sometimes they only ask for the cover back, and then the store will throw away the rest of the book. I know, I know, it is really horrible to see. But the booksellers can take a few of them now and then, and this one sounds good as I've become such a huge fan of fairy tale retellings.
The first one is a prequel/novella to a book I've been looking forward to for a while. The 2nd one I'm hoping to be part of a book tour for, and again, another fairy tale retelling.
Free e-book:
From Amazon. I picked their picture to show because I don't like the one that is on Goodreads.