Monday, December 15, 2014

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? - December 15th, 2014

This weekly meme is sponsored by Book Journey, and we talk about things we read last week, and our plans for what we'll read this coming week.

Last week:

My reading has just not been good lately!  No time it seems.  Too much going on.  Plus, I had started an egalley last week that I had trouble getting into and ended up DNFing, Unlovely by Celeste Conway.  I got 50 pages into it, and it still hadn't really grabbed me, so I set it down to read something else.  My goal is two reviews a week, so I did at least meet that.
  Currently Reading:

My current read is an e-galley that I'm not really pumped up about.  I'm waiting for something to pay off in the end.  I do intend to finish it before I go to bed tonight.  I'm ready to move on to my next read!  I had hoped to be done with this book last night, but I kept falling asleep and as I was holding my Nook up above my face as I was in bed reading, I kept hitting myself in the nose when it fell.  

This week:

So, I am getting around to an ARC that I have been so excited about ever since my manager at the bookstore where I work part time gave it to me.  And then I hope to get through some other e-galleys quickly.  So again, this is a tentative plan, although I'm sure the first two on the list I'll get at least one of them done and the other started by the end of the week for sure.
 The last two are both ones that are published on January 6th I believe, which I have a bunch of e-galleys that will be published on that day that I need to get to!  So I may be reading two e-galleys for every physical book or ARC that I read until I get a bit more caught up on those e-galleys.  Plus, I'll be starting the COYER Challenge on Saturday, so that will fit in with that as well.