Well, I posted this as a Waiting on Wednesday, last week I think, and then it was actually already out I saw the next night when I went into work at the bookstore. So, I checked it out. In this storyline, we rejoin Jonah and Katherine, siblings, Jonah one of the kids that had been snatched from time. This time they are going to help Andrea, also one of the missing kids, go back to her own time. Andrea was Virginia Dare, said to be the first child born in America from an English colony. She was part of the Roanoke colony that disappeared. In the current time, Andrea's adoptive parents had died in a car accident. When we first begin the trip back in time, Andrea sabotages the Elucidator, the thing that helps them talk to their contact in the future. And now they're stuck in the past, with no way of contact as far as they know. And at the wrong time as far as they know. Turns out someone named Second, told Andrea she could go back and save her adoptive parents first. This Second person wants to change history for the better. So many things on this trip are based on what he has done. They do end up at the right time, to save Virginia's father and do what they want her to do. But what the character who ends up being Second does changes history, and sends ripples through time. While trying to come back to the present, Jonah and Katherine get stuck in 1611, where they can fix things hopefully, and that is where the story ends.
Again, I love the history in these books. The disappearance of the colony at Roanoke is a mystery, and an intriguing one. There is also the word Croatoan that was found at this empty village that has led many to come up with all kinds of crazy stories on what happened. I like at the end where the author talks about all the research and the theories she found that are so much more likely to be what has happened. Great book, and can't wait for the next one! Still wondering what famous child in history that we will find out Jonah is. I think it's so great I was introduced to this series through reading the Mark Twain nominees.